On a more personal note...

I'm 36, and my first HV experiments probably root back to when I was about 13... my parents got me one of those "150-In-One" project kits from Radio Scrap. I found a project that made 2 AA's and a 9V charge up capacitors & discharge them through a relay. Well, I had MAD fun with this! Building "electric chairs" using metal lawn seats & a spray of water, I had a lot of fun with my friends at the time...

Later on in life, I went to technical school to get my Electronics Technician's papers...we used to bug each others' TV sets, try to find the problems...that was when I discovered the flyback circuit. Coincedentally, or maybe not, that is also the time I found out that 35KV at some healthy amperage hurts pretty damn bad! I caught the output of the rectifier circuit once, brushed the horizontal output transistor once again...quite the rude awakening! But it was here that I gained my respect and passion for HV devices.

Then, I discovered Information Unlimited. Holy, schnikies...they have a lot of goodies! I have read about horror stories from dissatisfied customers of theirs, but I have had nothing but good experiences from them. The first thing I bought from them was one of their old BTC series kits. Basically, a flyback-driven circuit that puts out @ 25KV at microamps. I have some pic of this on my more sparks page. I slapped a MH streetlight bulb on this one years ago, and it made quite the nice plasma globe.

More to write tomorrow...it's now 4:15 here in the northeast, and I need to hit the sack...

Happy coiling!

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