Our education system is stupid. Extremely stupid. It does not teach one to learn, it drills facts into one's brain, facts which are or will become moot. Learning how to learn is more important. Learning how to think even more so. Schools simply do not do such a thing. Nor have they ever done anything of such. When a student learns problem-solving skills, for instance, the method of instruction does not have to be so obviously "educational" like standard school instruction or "educational" software and/or videogames. It can be in a subtle a form as Command and Conquer or James Bond, or it can be a more ovbiously problem-solving-oriented sort of game like Legend of Zelda. These games are often dismissed as being violent or being too frivolous for "serious education." Additionally, one can learn important skills from friends, and by this I do not mean group studying, I mean simply being together and talkign about whatever comes to mind. School nonetheless remains important, it is simply the system by which it is run that needs to change. I have noticed that in secondary schools (i.e. middle/high school) there are frequently levels into which a certain course is divided into. Take for example US History. In our school we have three levels: college preparatory US history, honors US history, AP US history (CUSH, HUSH, and APUSH, respectively.) The teachers usually choose which level students will go into. If the parents are dissatisfied, they may go and argue with the teachers and the department to get their student placed into a higher or lower level. Notice that in this system the student has no real say in matters concerning what happens to said student with regards to level placement. This is why the system is flawed. One does not get to control what happens to them. To add insult to injury, it does not even appear to give the student any say in the proceedings. This can be changed, and with the help of students around the nation we can make a difference. This adult-controlled education is wrong and unhelpful. It does not allow a student to develop their full potential. Students know best what they want, not anyone else.