Opto-Isolated Current and Voltage Monitoring for High Voltage Applications

Terry Fritz began this project back in 1998.  He needed a means of measuring voltage and current waveforms of the Tesla Coil primary circuit while protecting his expensive test equipment.  The project has undergone 4 major revisions and although it will always be a work in progress, it has reached a level of refinement that makes it a reliable piece of HV test equipment with a bandwidth of up to 40 mhz.  All of the design work presented here was done by Terry Fritz and may be found at his site of http://hot-streamer.com/TeslaCoils/Misc/.  I've merely gathered the latest project information in one place and added info that I've found useful in the construction and operation of the Fritz Fiberprobes.

Theory and Operation

Parts List


  rsch_1.jpg (117257 bytes)   rplace.jpg (98631 bytes)      

    tsch.jpg (56897 bytes)  tplace_1.jpg (54634 bytes)  

transducer.jpg (39093 bytes)


Pictures of the components


hv_test1.jpg (117393 bytes)
Overview of fiberprobe components.  
boxes1.jpg (52500 bytes)
Close-Up of Receiver, Transmitters, and a 2 of the current transducers



Other High Voltage Instrumentation


1000_1_probe.jpg (87830 bytes)
This is a nifty 1000:1 RF Voltage probe with a bandwidth of 5 mhz.  
It will allow me to safely probe voltages up to 15 KV(peak)

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