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Project Gemini

Date Started(?):
Project Update July 1, 2003

Design and construct a twin demonstration and research Tesla coil system.

Current Phase of the Project:
Secondary coils trimmed and prepped for winding.

Projected Completion date (or Date Completed):
Not soon enough.


Project specifications:

Theory behind project:


Picture 1: Pipe and wire.

Start with some 12.75in diameter sch40 pipe and a 160lb roll of 16AWG magnet wire.

Picture 2: YukyGoo

The forms need to be cleaned and trimmed square. The forms are covered in pine tree sap - very sticky indeed.

Picture 3: Forms ready to be trimmed

To trim a large pipes like these, we first wrap a band of metal flashing around the pipe and tape it down square.

Picture 4: Drilled

Because we need to keep the extra pipe for making endcaps and such, holes are drilled just outside of the banded area wide enough for the jig saw blade.

Picture 5: Coarse cutting blade

Using a coarse blade to prevent overheating, we carefully cut along the edge of the pipe.

Picture 6: First trimmed end.

All ends are trimmed to specifications.

Picture 7: Trimmed and power washed.

Picture 8: Ends are painted with epoxy appliance paint.

Picture 9: Form one on winding jig.

Picture 10: Wire spool holder.

Picture 11: Winding secondaries.

Picture 12: Secondaries wound - Ready for epoxy coating.

List of Sponsors (links):
REA magnet wire, and (? donated the Sch40) .