TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 20:34:52 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Topload breakout potentials

> The cap measured 65nF tonight.

Thanks, that fits then.  That's quite a change in Cpri.
Is it an MMC?  Perhaps there's a dry joint on one of the
strings which is coming and going?

Anyway, everything about your coil's tuning adds up now, and
fits with the model.

Interesting that your MCTV would give 40.1kV/cm at the surface
but the 12% detune just happens to bring that down to 26kV/cm.
Is that a coincidence?  That means that the coil will just
reach breakout in its detuned setup, at which point about 60% of
the coil's stored energy is still in reserve - trapped in
the primary.  As the streamers develop, the secondary is detuned
down towards the primary enabling the remaining energy to 
transfer across.  If the detuning was such that all the available
energy transfered to the secondary, while the streamers maintained
the topload at around its breakout voltage (590kV) then the
total effective capacitance required of topload + streamers
to hold that energy would be 

  Ceff = 2 * E/V^2 = 2 * 16.4 J/ 590kV^2 = 94pF.

Now the resonator has a Cee of around 40pF so 54pF must come
from the streamers - 54 streamer-feet at 1pF/foot, that's
nine at 6 foot.  And that loading would detune the secondary
by 50%.

Now undoubtably a lot of that available energy will be dissipated
in the streamers themselves - lets try to get a ballpark figure
on that...

Let's see, taking 1pF and 220k per some length of streamer,
that's a Q of 1/(2 * pi * 66kHz * 1pF * 220k) = 11.

Pretty low, eh?   That means in one cycle, the streamer dissipates
a fraction 2*pi/Q of its stored energy. So in a half cycle, whatever
energy flows into a streamer, only a fraction (1-pi/Q) is returned at
the end.  Supposing 6 half-cycles were required for the total
energy transfer, then we retain a fraction of the order of
(1-pi/11)^6  ~= 10% of the energy survives.

Now that's a worst case because this naive arithmetic assumes
all the energy passes through the streamers on every half cycle
which is obviously not the case.  At each half cycle the streamers
extend a little, take some proportion of the reserved primary
energy, and return (1-pi/Q) =~ 70% of it back to the coil.  At the
next half cycle the streamers are bigger so the proportion of
reserved primary energy borrowed from the coil is that much
larger too, and so on.

If we start out with 16.4J, then 7J are required to fill the
coil's Cee to the breakout voltage, and 9.4J are reserved in
the primary.  If streamers formed over 6 half-cycles then 
only around 1J would be available at the end of the process,
requiring a streamer capacitance of (2 * 1J/590kV^2) = 6pF,
or 6 streamer feet, and a secondary detune of 7%.

While these are extremely ball-park figures they do suggest
that the sort of offset tunings that we're seeing are of
a reasonable order.  Working the other way now, if we take Bart's
-12% offset tuning, that would need an extra 10pF of streamer
loading to drop the secondary Fres down to match (do you have
two at 5 foot?). Those streamers hold an energy
0.5 * 10pF * 590kV^2 = 1.7J which is all that remains of the
primary's initial reserve at breakout of 9.4J. 

So how're we going to measure topvolts now?  We're stacking
a lot of assumptions onto this 26kV/cm surface field threshold
but we know that space charge will alter that and allow the
topvolts to rise further.  A scope trace of topvolts should
match the model to within the accuracy of the firing voltage
estimate (less a bit for loss) up to the breakout point, so
that's something we can use to qualify a measurement method.
Throw in a simultaneous base current measurement and you can
forget losses and firing voltage - from the Ibase we can calibrate
the topvolts to around 1% pre-breakout. Therefore don't worry about
calibrating a topvolts detector if you can provide the Ibase.

Those E-field pickup things won't do - they respond to topload
(+streamer) charge rather than potential, and we need the 
potential.   The two are related by the topload+streamer
capacitance, which of course is varying.  The E-field pickup
doesn't really give any more information than an Ibase trace,
since Ibase = total external E-field pickup.  Both Ibase
and E-field pickups tells us about the charge displacement,
but that's only half the story - we need the top potential too.

If the system was linear, either Ibase or Vtop alone would tell
all about the resonator.  To get at the varying load C, we need
both. Given the two in the form of scope data capture, we can
calculate pretty accurately (say 2-3%) the variation of Ctop as
we go through the RF cycles of the beat envelope.  We should be
able to see whether it increases in steps or smoothly, and by how
much and when.  We can use this info to calculate the final energy
in the way described above, (but with the accurate figures) and that
gives us an end-end cross-check on the whole process.  Tcma will
need a little modification to sweep for the 'chirp' of the modes
so that should be quite interesting.

So I think that despite some apparently intractable difficulties
with understanding the dynamics of the streamer formation, we do
have a fairly well defined procedure for accurately measuring
and quantifying the effect of the load on the coil - a procedure
which is within our reach because we have the requisite instruments,
coils, and software.  And there are no approximations involved, 
at this stage it remains unequivocal measurements linked by 
precision modeling in the way that we've become used to. We're
just applying it to observe a function Ctop(time) which will
give us a lot of reliable information about how quickly the streamers
form, when they form, how much charge and energy they take, etc.

We just need that topvolts measurement method.
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.