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How does an OLTC work?

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OLTCs work the same as a standard disruptive Tesla coil. Instead of a spark gap though, It uses Solid-State, High-Power, IGBTs. First, the 240 VAC is rectified to about 340 VDC . Then, the tank cap is resonantly charged to about 540 VAC. Once the capacitor is fully charged, the charging current will drop to zero. This is detected by a current transformer and a comparator , and passes a signal to the 555 timer. The 555s trigger the IGBTs to close, and keep them closed for a set time (several uS). When the IGBTs close, this provides a very low- resistance path between the tank cap, and the primary coil. Then, all the energy stored in the tank cap, is dumped into the primary coil. This energy is converted into magnetism, and surrounds the near-by secondary coil. Because of the many turns on the secondary coil, all that magnetism is absorbed into the coil. At this point, the IGBTs turn off, stopping the primary oscillations, and trapping the energy in the secondary coil, where it breaks out as sparks, or a streamer. Now the capacitor is fully discharged, and then resonantly recharged again. This cycle repeats over and over, many times (possibly 16,000) every second.

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