12.2.2 Abbreviations

Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms

Mike Hammer - July 31 2001

AC - Alternating current

ASRSG - Asynchronous rotary spark gap

AWG - American Wire Gauge

BPS - Breaks per second

BTW - By the way

CPS - Cycles per second

CW - Continuous wave

DC - Direct current

DMM - Digital multimeter

EMI - Electromagnetic interference

FWIW - For what it's worth

HDPE - High density polyethylene

HF - high Frequency

HV - high voltage

HZ - hertz

IIRC - if I remember correctly

IMHO - In my humble opinion

IMO - In my opinion

KHZ - kilohertz

KV - kilovolt

KVA - kilovolt amperes

LDPE - Low density polyethylene

LTR - Larger than resonance

MFD - microfarad

MH - millihenry

MHZ - megahertz

MMFD - micro-micro farad...same as picofarad

MMC - Multi-mini cap

MOT - Microwave oven transformer

NST - Neon sign transformer

NF - nanofarad

OBIT - Oil-burner ignition transformer

PCB - Polychlorinated biphenyl

PET - Polyethylene terephthalate (mylar)

PF - picofarad

PFC - Power factor correction

PP - Polypropylene

PS - Polystyrene

PT - Potential transformer

PVC - Polyvinyl chloride

Q - Quality factor

RF - Radio frequency

RFI - Radio frequency interference

RSG - Rotary spark gap

SRSG - Synchronous rotary spark gap

TC - Tesla coil

TTYL - talk to you later

UFD - microfarad

VA - Volt ampere

VHF - very high frequency

XFMR - Transformer