:Base QField.hlp 1 What's New in Version 4.1=WhatsNew>Ref 1 Getting Started 2 What Is QuickField?=Starter>Ref 2 Basic Organization of QuickField=Basics>Ref 2 Window Management Tips=Views>Ref 1 Overview of Analysis Capabilities 2 Magnetostatic Analysis=StarterMS>Ref 2 Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Analysis=StarterHE>Ref 2 Electrostatic Analysis=StarterES>Ref 2 Current Flow Analysis=StarterCF>Ref 2 Thermal Analysis=StarterHT>Ref 2 Stress Analysis=StarterSA>Ref 1 Working with Problems 2 Structure of Problem Database=ProblemDoc>Ref 2 The Problem Editor=ProblemEditor>HowTo 2 Editing Problem Properties=ProblemProps>HowTo 2 Establishing Coupling Links=ProblemCoupling>HowTo 2 Cartesian and Polar Coordinates=ProblemUnits>HowTo 1 Editing Property Description 2 What is Property Description=DataDoc>Ref 2 Editing Material Properties and Boundary Conditions=DataEditor>HowTo 2 Editing Curves=DataCurveEditor>HowTo 1 Editing Models 2 Geometric Models=ModelDoc>Ref 2 Editing Model Objects=ModelEditor>HowTo 2 Geometry Description=ModelDescr>HowTo 2 Labeling Objects=ModelLabeling>HowTo 2 Meshing Technology=ModelMesh>Ref 2 Tuning the Model Picture=ModelView>HowTo 1 Solving Problems 2 Solving the Problem=SolvingProblem>Ref 2 Scheduling QuickField for solving at a certain time=Scheduling>Ref 2 Achieving maximum performance=SolvingPerformance>Ref 1 Analyzing Solution 2 Viewing the Results=PostIntro>HowTo 2 Field Pictures=PostPictures>HowTo 2 Editing Contours=PostContour>HowTo 2 Examining Local Field Data=PostValues>HowTo 2 Integral Calculator=PostIntegral>HowTo 2 Tables of Results=PostTable>HowTo 2 Exporting Field=PostExport>HowTo 1 Theoretical Description 2 Overview=Theory>Ref 2 Magnetostatics 3 Formulations=TheoryMSEq>Ref 3 Field Sources=TheoryMSSrc>Ref 3 Boundary Conditions=TheoryMSBC>Ref 3 Permanent Magnets=TheoryMSPermMag>Ref 3 Calculated Physical Quantities=TheoryMSQuant>Ref 3 Inductance Calculation=TheoryMSInductance>Ref 2 Time-Harmonic Magnetics 3 Formulations=TheoryHEEq>Ref 3 Field Sources=TheoryHESrc>Ref 3 Boundary Conditions=TheoryHEBC>Ref 3 Calculated Physical Quantities=TheoryHEQuant>Ref 3 Impedance Calculation=TheoryHEImpedance>Ref 2 Electrostatics 3 Formulations=TheoryESEq>Ref 3 Field Sources=TheoryESSrc>Ref 3 Boundary Conditions=TheoryESBC>Ref 3 Calculated Physical Quantities=TheoryESQuant>Ref 3 Capacitance Calculation=TheoryESCapacitance>Ref 2 Current Flow Analysis 3 Formulations=TheoryCFEq>Ref 3 Field Sources=TheoryCFSrc>Ref 3 Boundary Conditions=TheoryCFBC>Ref 3 Calculated Physical Quantities=TheoryCFQuant>Ref 2 Heat Transfer 3 Formulations=TheoryHTEq>Ref 3 Field Sources=TheoryHTSrc>Ref 3 Boundary Conditions=TheoryHTBC>Ref 3 Calculated Physical Quantities=TheoryHTQuant>Ref 2 Stress Analysis 3 Formulations=TheorySAEq>Ref 3 Thermal Strain=TheorySAThermal>Ref 3 External forces=TheorySAForces>Ref 3 Restriction conditions=TheorySABC>Ref 3 Calculated Physical Quantities=TheorySAQuant>Ref 2 Coupled Problems 3 Importing Loads from Other Problems=TheoryCoupling>Ref 1 Examples 2 Magnetic Problems 3 Magn1: Nonlinear Permanent Magnet=ExamplesMagn1>Ref 3 Magn2: Solenoid Actuator=ExamplesMagn2>Ref 3 Magn3: Ferromagnetic C-Magnet=ExamplesMagn3>Ref 2 Time-Harmonic Magnetic Problems 3 HMagn1: Slot Embedded Conductor=ExamplesHMagn1>Ref 3 HMagn2: Symmetric Double Line of Conductors=ExamplesHMagn2>Ref 2 Electrostatic Problems 3 Elec1: Microstrip Transmission Line=ExamplesElec1>Ref 3 Elec2: Two Conductor Transmission Line=ExamplesElec2>Ref 2 Heat Transfer Problems 3 Heat1: Slot of an Electric Machine=ExamplesHeat1>Ref 3 Heat2: Cylinder with Temperature Dependent Conductivity=ExamplesHeat2>Ref 2 Stress Analysis Problems 3 Stres1: Perforated Plate=ExamplesStres1>Ref 2 Coupled Problems 3 Coupl1: Stress Distribution in a Long Solenoid=ExamplesCoupl1>Ref 3 Coupl2: Cylinder Subject to Temperature and Pressure=ExamplesCoupl2>Ref 3 Coupl3: Temperature Distribution in an Electric Wire=ExamplesCoupl3>Ref 2 Additional Examples 3 How to Get More Examples=MoreExamples>Ref 1 Tutorial 2 Problem of Magnetics--Step-by-Step Description=SBS1_1>ByStep 2 Electrostatics Problem--Step-by-Step Description=SBS3_1>ByStep 2 Magneto-Structural Coupling--Step-by-Step Description=SBS4_1>ByStep 1 Contact Information 2 How to Contact Us=Contact>Ref