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This is my Web Page. If you want to comment to me about it, feel free to email me on christophertelford@yahoo.com or you might be able to catch me on ICQ - 115022762 . Or you can just sign my guestbook below
You can catch me and other like minded people at 'irc.quakenet.eu.org port 6667 channel #tesla.uk'
Brand new picture of me standing next to my tesla coil
New high quality pictures of my coil, both running and not running. Available in the eye candy section of the tesla coil website. The top four pictures are new.
New links to webpages and irc channels. Also today is my birthday! 20 years as of today :-)
new link to Jen's Tesla coil webpage
New pics of my Tesla coil. Concentrating on the details of the components, rather than the end results. Maybe of interest to fellow 'coilers or people interested in starting. Also i have now added a new (and much better) video of my tesla coil running. See it in the tesla coil eye candy section
First update for a while. Not much added. Changed the computer section a bit. Mostly I have just tidied stuff up and made numerous spelling corrections
More has just been added to the computer modification section. Still very new and incomplete. Some better pictures - but still not good enough. I need a higher quality digital camera.
I've just started on the computer modification section. Still haven’t finished the spud gun section - its almost done. I just got hold of a working web cam so I took some pictures of my modified computer case and interior. That’s about all there is to the computer modification section for the moment but I plan to do a whole tutorial on the theme. Also I have just added the above guestbook.
I'm in the process of updating my webpage for the first time in about a year. No new content but I've tidied up some of the old stuff, got rid of some stuff and reformatted the 'look' of the site somewhat. Hope you like it! More content soon I hope. I've got some pictures to develop which I may scan in and I'm thinking of setting up a section on my computer's case modifications. I've done a fair amount of work to my computer which I'd like to share with you all. As always feel free to let me know if there's anything which needs improving/adding. Constructive criticism is welcome. That’s all for now, watch this space.
After thought - yes I know the spud gun section isn't finished - I will get round to it in the next couple of days. The content is there but I need to spell check it / tidy it up