Link to John Ratcliffes web page
Some good stickdeath animations, and other interesting things.
Great source of IT info
More 3D hardware than you will ever need
New scientist magazine
Greg's Garage
Greg's Garage is an excellent high voltage site for tesla coils and other stuff. Without him, my high voltage section would not exsist. I got the dimmer switch/ignition coil idea from him as well. Goto his site - it is excellent and has some great high voltage pictures.
Jen's Tesla coil webpage
Not the biggest of coils (yet) but well written with good info
Edinburgh Uni Drumming society
African drumming at Edinburgh Uni. Since I am on the committee I thought I may as well advertise it :-)
Adam 'Cleaner' Bracegirdle's homepage
gaming, biking and anything weird or cool.
Edinburgh Computer Gaming Society
If you want to talk to me or other tesla coilers in the UK, go to the irc server port 6667 and the channel
For newbies at irc that is '/server port 6667' then when connected '/join'
If you need an irc client download mIRC
If you can think of anything else that needs linking to, let me know