Christopher Telford

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Statement


I am highly motivated towards gaining my geology degree at Edinburgh University as I would like to be involved with survey work for an oil company. I work well with others and enjoy problem solving, as demonstrated by my summer job of IT support at Taylor Made Insurance Brokers. I also enjoy working with and helping the public using the experience gained from my work experience at Lancaster Library and working for the Edinburgh Council surveying the use of concessionary travel permits on busses.


Name:                          Chris Telford   

Born:                            31/8/1982

Marital Status: Single

Nationality:                   British


Key skills:

Computer literate with knowledge of Excel and Word, Web Design

Customer Service Skills.


Academic Record:

School attended: Lancaster Royal Grammar School


GCSE’s                                                                       ‘A’ Levels

3 A’s                                                                            General Studies A

5 B’s                                                                            Physics B

1 C                                                                              Geography C

Mathematics D


6th Form Class Representative

Edinburgh University Drumming Society Secretary

Edinburgh University Drumming Society web page administrator


Employment History:

-Work Experience at Lancaster Library 1997

            Shelf stacking and customer service.


-Gotts farm foods holiday job summer 2001

General cleaner / stock replenishment.


-IT support at Taylor made Insurance Brokers Bristol summer 2001

            System maintenance and problem solving.


-Edinburgh Council Easter 2003

            Conducting interviews for a Passenger Survey.


Hobbies / Personal Interests:


Windsurfing and Sailing on Lake Windermere

Hiking and Cycling in the Lake District

African drumming


Construction and development of Physics experiments

Web page design

Music composition


Contact details

Home phone                 01524 383562

Mobile phone               07754 838454




12 The Plaza

Standen Park

