These units where made by me. They may not work. They may break your Total Annihilation install. Don't come crying to me if they do. That is all.
Total Annihilation is getting pretty old now. I still enjoy playing it, and I would hope other people do to. I will leave this page up just in case anyone out there has yet to enjoy the greatness of my efforts.
This is the same model as the heavy arm tank and is similar although a bit faster in movement. The difference is that it is armed with a heavy laser which makes it highly effective against certain unit types.
Download the Spy KbotOne of my more cleaver units, this can cloak (500 energy) and penetrate the enemy's base. It has the same long range weapon as the Siege unit and can self destruct, invader style. It also jams radar over short distances
Download the strategic napalm rocket towerThis is my newest unit and my first attempt at a building. I have used the nuclear silo model to create a medium-long range defensive rocket weapon which is fairly powerful and has a BIG blast radius.
Download ALL of the above (recommended)This zipped pack contains all of the above units in one small (215K) package. Probably the fastest way to download them all at once. This file will be updated when I add more units