6 Inch Coil - Specifications
Power Controller
None yet, just a switch with a light.
High Voltage Transformer
12kV 60mA Franceformer® Neon Transformer
RF Filter
Terry Filter (130K)
Saftey Gaps
One gap on each leg to RF ground
Spark Gap
12 Segment multiple static spark gap
MMC: 1 string of 9 of the "Geek Caps" (Cornell 942C)
Total Capacitor: .017uF 18kV
Charging Circuit: 14 & 16 AWG
Tank Circuit: 8 & 6 AWG
Primary Coil
10 turn flat pancake: .25" Cu Tubing
Secondary Coil
6.25" OD (6") PVC pipe wrapped 30" with 20 AWG wire, 6 coats of PU varnish
Pie pan & dryer duct toroid
Max Sparks Achieved
Streamers - ~36"
Power Arcs - ~42"