<~ Links ~>
<~ Privat Builder Pages ~>
2" TC, Ignition coil driver, high current experiments | |
Benedikt Kullmann | Tesla Coil. Flyback drivers, SSTCs, Tube experiments |
Greg's Garage | Awesome TCs |
Tesla Down under | 4Mot Stack, Super Coils |
Terrell Fritz' Tesla Coil Page | Lot of Programs, Tesla Coils, Pictures |
Martin Koptes Teslasite | Nice illustrated page with good experiments |
Wuischke.de | very interessting internet portal programmed by an school comrade. |
<~ Distributor Pages ~>
lots of very good and cheap tubes | |
Buerklin |
rare electronic parts for high prices |
Reichelt Electronics | hugh sortiment of cheap electronic parts |
Conrad Electronics | high quality parts of high prices |
<~ Web rings ~>