TSSP: List Archives

From: "bob golding"
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 19:44:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Welcome to the project

hi Paul,
    I am not running a UNIX system at the moment(win 2000) ,but I intend to
install a linux system at some point in the near future. I am very busy with
my outside catering business at the moment, but this will drop in about 3 or
4 weeks, then I should have more time. I have very little experience of UNIX
so it will be a steep learning curve. From my experience of  uncle bills
software it sounds worth the effort. I have a friend with a first from
Cambridge in maths and stats so I can run stuff past him if needed.

bob golding
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 9:53 AM
Subject: [TSSP] Welcome to the project

> Hello All,
> Welcome everyone and thank you for responding to my appeals on the
> tesla list. Several people have shown interest, although so far
> only five have subscribed to this list.
> I'd better say a bit about whats going on and why.
> This project started as a simple attempt to model the properties of
> a tesla resonator during the construction of a CW coil (still an ongoing
> project). A straightforward time domain simulation of coupled LCR
> circuits gave reasonable answers and was extended to include the
> IGBT driver electronics. Following coil construction, measurements
> disagreed sufficiently with this model to make me wonder what could
> be done in the way of simulation to improve the estimates of
> resonant frequency and input impedance. The presence of higher overtone
> resonances led me to look at a uniform transmission line model, which
> improved matters, but still could not place the resonances correctly,
> and the input impedance was actualy worse.
> Around this time it became apparent that the available material on
> the Internet was unable to help. Faced with several conflicting views
> on the theory of tesla coil resonance I decided to see if was possible
> to construct a more detailed simulation in an attempt to reach a closer
> understanding of the system.
> That was a couple of months ago. I now have a working simulation program
> which shows some promise - it still gives wrong answers although its a
> lot closer than anything else that I have seen.
> By now I have exhausted my amateur physics knowledge, hence the need
> to solicit a wider involvement. My hope is that incorporation of
> better physics into the model will improve things and perhaps one day
> lead to some kind of definitive resonator model.
> The last couple of weeks have been spent tidying up and documenting
> the existing material and I hope to release this to the group sometime
> over the coming weekend.
> This list has been set up so that project members can exchange views
> in private, as I've no wish to share speculations and erroneous
> conclusions with a wider audience.
> If any project members are not running unix workstations of some kind,
> can they let me know.
> BTW,
> I'm a unix systems programmer working in the electrical engineering
> field, currently doing factory automation. My commercial work is
> unrelated to tesla coils. I'm 40 yrs old, live on a farm in the
> Pennine hills, and have been working from home over the net for
> several years now. I'm also a member of the local mountain rescue
> team, a radio amateur since 1977, and occasionaly find time to play
> bass guitar.
> Regards,
> --
> Paul Nicholson,
> Manchester, UK.
> --

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.