TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 18:59:08 +0100
Subject: [TSSP] Mystery of the missing loss

Terry has provided a lumped equivalent circuit

which gives a very good description of the observed
characteristics of the coil we've been looking at.

With a measured value for Rsec, the other two equivalent
resistances can be chosen to reproduce the observed Q factors,
attributing a lower loss to the external toroid capacitance.

Terry wrote:
> ...and the added resistors accounted for
> the currents traveling through various objects like the
> ground, wall, floor, etc.  In other words, Cself
> and Rct or far from loss less capacitors.

I'll just say a bit about how the model handles these

Cself represents capacitance from one part of the coil to
another and the significant loss associated with this (air
dielectric loss being negligible) is due to I^2R loss in the
winding resulting from the displacement currents charging up
Cself. The lumped equivalent model has to represent this as
a separate current path, with its own resistance, since by
definition it cannot get at the internal currents in L1. The
computer model represents the internal capacitance currents
explicitly and the loss represented by Rcself appears instead
in Rsec and there is no need for a separate Rcself.

As Terry says, Rct accounts for conduction losses in
the return path of the external capacitance current loop.
The computer model represents this as a loss factor Dp
applied to the external capacitance. This is nice because
the loss is distributed in proportion to the external
capacitance which presumably reflects the distribution
of ground currents arising from external flux.

Up until now, Dp has been set very low, equivalent to less than
5 ohms Rct, ie negligible. The justification for this is a
desire to focus on winding losses and, by restricting
measurements to systems equiped with a good ground plane, the
assumption is that the return path losses are of the same order
as the bulk resistance of the ground plane, ie a few ohms.

Terry's posting reminds me that I've no good evidence to
justify neglecting Rct. I still think that the foil
would be contributing only a few ohms to Rct, but the
loss from the wider surroundings may be adding a lot

Apart from these I^2R losses in the external E field, and
possible eddy current losses from the B field, I think
the list of significant sources of loss external to
the coil is exhausted.

I've tried a Dp value equivalent to Rct of around 300 ohms
which brings the Q's down to the 60/80 region, but the
predicted Q is higher without the toroid - opposite to
what we measure. 

Tentative estimates of eddy current loss suggests that it
goes up with f cubed and can add a hundred or so ohms into
Rsec. Therefore I'd expect higher Q at the lower
toroided f1, which is what we see.

So theoreticaly I'm still inclined towards the eddy current

The major discrepancy between Q factors modelled largely
on the basis of winding loss only, and the measured values,
must be due to one or both of these two sources, and no
significant other. I think we should devise some definitive
tests to establish how the missing loss is apportioned
between the external E field current return I^2R
loss, and external B field eddy current losses.

Some possible experiments:

1/ Split the ground plane. Already tried. Q went down,
   score: E one, B nill.

2/ Replace the toroid with a 25pF capacitor wired back to the
   central ground point. This will have a much lower Rct than
   130 ohms.  The toroided f1 should be reproduced, but if E
   return loss is significant, a higher Q factor should be

3/ Extend the foil ground plane to catch more of the
   external flux. See if the Q goes up.

4/ Tightly couple a shorted turn near the base of the coil
   to artificialy add extra eddy current loss, and see if
   the two Q factors diverge further.

I'm sure there must be some cunningexperimental tricks to
decouple these two potential sources of loss, and if we can
do so unabmiguously then that would be a great step forward.

Regards All,
Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.