From: Paul
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 21:48:44 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Mystery of the missing loss
This might be a good time to summarise the results of this weeks experiments by Terry, stimulated by the inability of the computer model to predict Q factors (and therefore input impedance). The loss in the model is almost entirely based on winding resistance which is predicted using Medhurst's empirical tables. Unsurprisingly this under-estimates the loss, but the under-estimate is quite a large amount, eg Q Measured Model f1 84 147 With toroid. f1 57 221 No toroid. Not only are the predictions wildly in error, the trend in Q on fitting the toroid is opposite, a major qualitative difference. I can see only four plausible explanations: 1/ The software implementation is faulty and fails to properly represent the physical model we are using. 2/ The Medhurst factor only applies to coils with an essentialy uniform current distribution. His measurements were made using a very large external capacitance to resonate with the coils, which would force a uniform current distribution. In the case of a tesla secondary, the current is far from uniform. However the model takes this into account quite accurately, since it divides the Medhurst resistance equaly among all the turns and then computes the loss based on the current at each turn. Nevertheless the possibility remains that the effective series resistance is fundamentaly higher in tesla secondaries than that predicted by Medhurst. 3/ The return current path of the external capacitance (of both coil and toroid) will contribute some I^2R loss. This has been assumed negligible by requiring a ground plane of at least a coil height in radius so that the loss resistance experienced by displacement currents landing on the ground plane should be less than 1 ohm. The effect of external flux impinging on the wider surroundings is an unknown quantity and may thus be a significant factor. 4/ The continuous ground plane sheet cutting across the B field near the base of the coil is bound to contain circulating eddy currents and is therefore an energy absorber. This extra loss is also an unknown quantity. I'll now look at each of these four in more detail: 1/ Coding errors. I found one this week, an incorrectly applied formula for skin effect, which was over-estimated. Fixing this has actualy made things worse. There is always the chance of more errors but the code territory in which they may lie is getting smaller. We predict the correct resonances over a wide range directly from the geometry with no fiddle factors, so there cannot be much wrong with the network equation setup and elimination steps. The Q factors and input Z are arrived at by different means but are nevertheless commensurate with one another. 2/ Winding loss. Perhaps the effective AC resistance is being underestimated. The model predicts 175 ohms effective and Terry at one time arrived at around 390 ohms. The W factor was put in the code to see what the coil would look if the series resistance was higher, so lets apply it... W = 390/175 = 2.23, gives Q Measured Model f1 84 66 With toroid. f1 57 100 No toroid. which remains qualitatively wrong. 3/ External E-field loss. The resonating capacitance of Terry's coil is made up of the following component contributions: Coil Coil internal + external + toroid 3.16pF + 8.49pF + 25.42pF = 37.07pF With toroid. 3.29pF + 12.04pF + 0.00pF = 15.33pF No toroid. In what must have been a quite delicate experiment, Terry replaced the toroid with 14.7pF of stray capacitance and 10.7pF of vacuum variable, thereby replacing some 30% of the potentialy lossy external capacitance with a reasonably high Q lumped component. This reduced the Q to 87% of the toroided value, whereas if external field loss was significant, we might have expected the Q to improve. In the model, if we set the external capacitance loss factor Dp to correspond with a couple of hundred ohms Rct, we get Q Measured Model f1 84 57 With toroid. f1 57 44 No toroid. and again the predicted figures remain stubbornly the wrong way around. 4/ Eddy current loss in external B field. Placing the coil on top of the foil ground plane reduced the inductance from its nominal value of 75.4mH to 74.1mH, a strong indication that inductive coupling into shorted loops is occurring. This offers a potential source of significant loss. Terry made a comparative set of measurements to test the effect of splitting the ground plane into two halves, the idea being to break the largest eddy current paths. Splitting the ground plane raised the inductance from 74.1mH to 75.1mH, almost restoring its nominal value. The Q factors were: Ground plane Continuous Split 84 71 With toroid. 57 49 No toroid. The increase in inductance confirms the split was effective in reducing the total coupling coefficient to the ground plane, but both the Q factors actually went down, by the same proportion, to 85% of the original. This behaviour is at first sight surprising, but on closer examination, might begin to look plausible. The effect of a shorted loop on the secondary depends on the ratio of mutual inductance to resistance of the loop in question. A loop of negligible resistance but high mutual inductance with the coil, will pull the secondary inductance to a lower value without contributing much to the loss. A loop of smaller mutual inductance, but with a higher resistance will cause less shift of the secondary inductance, but may offer a proportionaly higher loss. In a continuous sheet placed across the B field, current loops of all sizes and all possible centers will be induced. However, the current in any small current loop tends to be cancelled by an opposite and almost equal current in a neighbouring loop, so on average the net current flow is cancelled in all loops except those centered on the coil/field axis, so the result is a circular current sheet flowing around the axis. Breaking the ground plane in half causes the eddy currents to form into two separate not-so-circular current sheets in each half, centers offset from the axis. Mutual inductance is roughly proportional to the loop area, and loss resistance proportional to the loop circumference, so if the mean radius of the current sheet was more than halved by the split, the inductive pull will go down by more than 1/4 which is about what we see. Furthermore the loss per loop will go down, but probably by less than half, since the nice circular current loops in the uncut ground plane are replaced by rather squashed ones in the split ground plane and thus a longer perimeter. Bearing in mind that there are now two of these current sheets, each with more than half the loss of the original, it is I think possible for the total loss to go up slightly when the ground plane is split. So much for a handwaving description, its jolly hard to actualy put numbers to this effect. I've been trying to sum the losses due to the circular current sheet in the uncut ground foil, treating it as concentric current loops and integrating. Initial impression is that a hundred or so ohms can be reflected into the secondary loss resistance from this, but I'm drowning in Legendre polynomials and nowhere near certain of the figure. Whatever the eddy current loss is, it will increase in proportion to f cubed. I can at least test the effect on the model, in a crude sort of way, by adding a contribution to the winding resistance which is proportional to f-cubed. We get an encouraging result when using a loss due to eddy currents of 136 ohms at the lower resonance, and 136 times the frequency ratio cubed at the higher resonance: Q Measured Model f1 84 84 With toroid. f1 57 58 No toroid. Further weight is added to this theory by Terry's report that the input impedances at f3 and f5 are too high to reliably measure, which would be expected if the resonator contains a significant loss proportional to f cubed. I'll be bold and make a prediction, based on the above modification to winding resistance, of the Q factors at f3. Perhaps, if sufficient ground plane survives in Terry's lab, he might be able to check these out: Q Measured Model f3 ?? 14 With toroid. f3 ?? 11 No toroid. The Q factors at f5 are about 4. Congratulations to anyone making it this far through this posting! I hope that others will agree that eddy currents in the ground plane provide the best explanation of the missing loss. If this is the case, it may well be present in a number of tesla coil installations, for example the Thor system exhibits a measured inductance over 5% smaller than the Nagaoka value, and the measured Q of 222 compares with a prediction of 350. Thor operates above a sheet metal floor within metal walls. I believe further work should be done to investigate eddy current losses in ground planes as I am sure they are generally under appreciated. I'm very interested to hear what others on the list have to say on this subject, especially if they can interpret Terry's measurements any other way. Regards all, -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,