TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts" (by way of "Terrell W. Fritz" )
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 22:15:24 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Low Q Values

>From Malolm...  could use a bit of clean up but he was in a hurry to get
the data to this effort ;-)) - T.


further ado. I suspect Mark R. has a copy but maybe not.
     I can't explain the results you've been seeing but I've 
really only over glossed over the posts so've probably missed 
something. Will have to study at more leisure. Meantime, I put 
my beloved sig gen out of action a couple of months ago and to 
my horror discovered that the LH4001 current buffer is now 
obsolete and the recommended replacements for it are either 
neither pin-compatible nor have the same delicious spec. 
Believe it or not, it was actually sent to us here as a sample 
from NS and since nobody else knew what to do with it or 
expressed any interest I swooped and left it lying around for 
five years until I built the generator. If I can't get another 
(any chance you could check for me please? - I tried the web 
with the results I've just recounted) I've decided to redo the 
entire generator and build a discrete output stage to source a 
more decent current and voltage up to 1MHz or so.


P.S. - I tried a quick attempt at attaching but failed so 
dropped the three files into this message.

From:          "Malcolm Watts" 
To:            malcolm
Date:          Mon, 12 Aug 1996 16:35:42 +1200
Subject:       myfiles


(1)  Signal Generator : Measured output impedance = 7 Ohms 
     over range of frequencies used in tests.
    The generator was built early this year for the purpose of 
measurement. It has a fine tune control, and the output stage 
a National Semiconductor LH4001 current buffer (slew rate 
BW = DC to 25MHz (+-10V into 50 Ohms).
Output : 950mVRMS unloaded (output was adjusted where 
during the measurements).
A frequency counter with 1Hz resolution and calibrated is 
It should be noted that the internal impedance of the 
generator is
going to lower the final Q readings somewhat. The error has 
disregarded in the data tables although it may be significant 
the smallest coils (as much as 10% !!!).

(2)  Oscilloscope : LEADER 60MHz Digital Storage scope.
Estimated reading error : +-5% max. due to resolution of 
and noise on pickup.
Y-Amp settings used were 10, 20, 50mV/Division.
FSD = 8 Divisions (generator and Y amp adjusted to give peak-
to-peak FSD
at resonance with generator set to highest possible output for 
Y amplification).
-3dB measurements taken at 5.6 Divisions (70%).

(3)  Inductance Measurement : Sencore LC35 LC Analyser

(4)  Resistance Measurement : HP
     Coil Resistances (measured) : closewound (h/d = 5) =
                                   spacewound (h/d = 5) =

(5)  Accuracy for frequency measurements : +-10Hz up to 500kHz
                                           +-30Hz up to 1MHz
                                           +-50Hz to 1.5MHz
Tolerance due mainly to noise of coarse tune control on 

ALL tolerances noted above are ABSOLUTE WORST CASE. In most 
cases, the
readings are claimed to be significantly better.

(6) MEASUREMENTS : There are 2 basic categories.
(a) Measurement of 2 basic coils whose h/d ratio was changed 
    5 to 0.56 during measurements (h/d error : +-1%).
    Winding Diameter = 6.6"
    Coil 1 was closewound with 0.56mm diameter enamelled 
copper wire
    Coil 2 was spacewound with 0.3mm diameter wire with a 
pitch to give
    approximately the same number of turns as Coil 1.
    Coil 1 was unvarnished to facilitate recovery of the wire, 
and Coil 2
    was lightly spray varnished to hold the windings in place.
Two coils like this allowed a comparison between the winding 
types over a
range of frequencies and also allowed measurements of the 
disks (below)
at two h/d ratios as the disks were reduced in size.

  Coil 1 (h/d=5) L = 57.45mH   (error +-0.05mH)
  Coil 2    "    L = 56.6mH           "
  N (est) both coils approx. 1360 turns at h/d=5

For the measurements in this category, two terminals were used 
: a sphere
of 9" diameter, and a toroid (outer diameter = 19.5" and tube 
dia.= 4.5")
The sphere was mounted at heights of 0.7" and 7" above the 
and the toroid at heights of 0.7", 7" and 17.3".
Each coil was also measured for no-terminal frequency and Q 
with top lead
about 2" long.
For measurements at h/d = 5 to 2 inclusive, the bottom turn of 
the winding
was mounted 19.5 +-0.5" above the floor. For h/d = 1, bottom 
turn started
26" from floor and for h/d = 0.56, 28.8" above the floor.

(b) With Coil 1 at h/d=4 and Coil 2 at h/d = 3, measurement 
was made at
    four different heights above the windings of a number of 
    Aluminium disks, diameters : 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 500mm, 
600mm, 686mm.
    Diameter measurement error = +-2mm max.
For each disk mounted at the lowest height above the windings, 
the coils
were also measured with :
    (i) the bottom turn of the coil mounted 19.5 +-0.5" above 
the floor
        where the rest of the readings were taken
   (ii) the bottom turn mounted 13 +-0.5" above the floor (Fe 

Disk heights were : 0.7", 7", 11.3" and 16.9" above the top 

From:          "Malcolm Watts" 
To:            malcolm
Date:          Mon, 12 Aug 1996 16:35:44 +1200
Subject:       myfiles

(a)  Coils of varying h/d ratio. (frequencies in kHz)

NB - frequency has been rounded to the nearest 1kHz so the 
tables could
     be fitted in a reasonable space.

COIL1            |     SPHERE          |            TOROID
      | NO TERM  |                     |
Height|          |   0.7"   |    7.0"  |   0.7"   |    7.0"  | 
h/d   |   f   Q  |  f    Q  |  f    Q  |  f    Q  |  f    Q  | 
 f    Q
5     | 190  351 | 159  300 | 149  317 | 179  299 | 128  290 | 
121  269
4     | 224  393 | 184  347 | 172  318 | 152  292 | 146  316 | 
138  286
3     | 276  389 | 221  356 | 205  341 | 178  301 | 171  323 | 
163  291
2     | 367  353 | 284  326 | 262  339 | 222  288 | 216  322 | 
207  283
1     | 600  285 | 438  267 | 401  299 | 330  233 | 327  261 | 
316  256
0.56  | 890  182 | 644  220 | 587  243 | 476  208 | 477  227 | 
465  226
h/d = 4  with bottom turn 13" off floor : f = 222, Q = 363

h/d   | 0.56  |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5
L (mH)| 4.02  |  9.0  | 20.75 | 33.2  | 45.6  | 57.45

COIL2            |     SPHERE          |          TOROID
      | NO TERM  |                     |
Height|          |   0.7"   |    7.0"  |   0.7"   |    7.0"  | 
h/d   |   f   Q  |  f    Q  |  f    Q  |  f    Q  |  f    Q  | 
 f    Q
5     | 186  286 | 169  232 | 145  227 | 176  234 | 125  204 | 
118  178
4     | 220  329 | 205  233 | 168  258 | 149  225 | 142  225 | 
135  204
3     | 274  351 | 216  292 | 201  275 | 174  232 | 168  243 | 
160  231
2     | 371  399 | 280  325 | 259  307 | 219  237 | 213  266 | 
204  239
1     | 605  451 | 433  336 | 397  325 | 326  237 | 323  271 | 
312  256
0.56  | 899  392 | 632  353 | 577  326 | 467  253 | 467  279 | 
456  274
h/d = 3 with bottom mounted 13" off floor : f = 272, Q = 339

h/d   | 0.56  |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5
L (mH)| 4.2   | 9.05  | 20.7  | 33.1  |       | 56.6

NOTES: I forgot to get inductance reading for h/d=4 for Coil 2 
     : A reality check on Coil 2 (h/d=1) Q reveals that the 
       frequency measured is within 1% of that calculated 
using the
       measured inductance and Medhurst's self-capacitance 
       The Q gives an AC resistance of around 75 Ohms 
including the
       generator and coax and strap used to feed the coil. The 
       message is : If you are using 100 Ohms+ in series with 
       coils to measure them, you are not doing them justice.

From:          "Malcolm Watts" 
To:            malcolm
Date:          Mon, 12 Aug 1996 16:35:46 +1200
Subject:       myfiles

(b)  Coils of h/d = 3,4 with disks mounted at different 

(i) h/d = 4 (closewound)
NOTE: the first column has the coil + disk mounted 6.5" closer 
to the
      floor. See Test Notes for winding heights off floor.

         |   0.7"     |   0.7"     |     7"     |   11.3"    | 
DISK(mm) | f     Q    | f       Q  |  f      Q  |  f     Q   | 
f     Q   
200      | 216.6  349 | 217.4  368 | 195.8  332 | 188.4  294 | 
181.6  259
300      | 200.4  328 | 201.2  347 | 182.0  337 | 174.9  312 | 
168.6  290
400      | 207.7  301 | 208.5  306 | 169.6  346 | 163.4  308 | 
157.8  292
500      | 167.2  328 | 167.9  329 | 157.5  342 | 152.6  331 | 
147.8  314
600      | 153.3  313 | 154.0  302 | 146.5  325 | 142.7  324 | 
138.8  301
686      | 142.9  297 | 143.6  312 | 137.9  320 | 134.9  313 | 
131.5  292

(ii) h/d = 3 (spacewound)
NOTE: the first column has the coil + disk mounted 6.5" closer 
to the
         |   0.7"     |   0.7"     |     7"     |   11.3"    | 
DISK(mm) | f       Q  | f       Q  |  f      Q  |  f      Q  | 
 f     Q   
200      | 260.9  296 | 262.1  332 | 232.2  283 | 222.6  262 | 
214.4  249
300      | 237.6  313 | 238.6  306 | 213.9  289 | 205.4  267 | 
198.0  244
400      | 214.5  278 | 215.4  287 | 197.7  260 | 190.6  250 | 
184.2  239
500      | 193.5  254 | 194.4  249 | 182.5  257 | 176.9  256 | 
171.9  232
600      | 176.1  238 | 177.2  253 | 169.0  248 | 164.9  232 | 
160.8  196
686      | 163.5  221 | 164.5  166 | 158.5  244 | 155.6  232 | 
152.2  217

NOTE : The Q of 166 for the largest disk in this table with 
the coil mounted
       for second column measurements appears to be in error.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.