TSSP: List Archives

From: "B2"
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:02:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Mystery of the missing loss

Hi Terry, All,
    What is the frequency scale along the bottom axis of your graph?  =
Rac is is in Ohms?


----- Original Message -----=20
From: "Terrell W. Fritz" 
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Mystery of the missing loss

> Hi Boris, All,
> At 03:52 AM 9/8/00 -0700, you wrote:
> snip...>
> >Hi All,
> >Althought,I have been present on TSSP list from its
> >first days,this is first post of mine (very occupied
> >lately,and can't manage to check email on regular
> >basis as I used before:))
> >
> >Few comments regarding measured too low Q :
> >Whenever I see measured Q of unloaded secondary =20
> >  in order of 50 I can claim:
> >If Z coil is resonably high ,which in most TC
> >secondaries is,low Q could be the result  of following
> >things:
> >1.)Rdc is too high becouse of too thin wire diameter
> >used.
> Using wire gauge tables, my Rdc should be 68.986 ohms.  My coil =
> 69.5968 ohms (OK, I have a nice meter ;-))  I examined the trusty o'l
> secondary and despite a few minor cosmetics it seem in excellent =
> Certainly no spots that would worry me in the least.
> > 2.)Something is poorly made in secondary construction
> >such as shorted turn top isotropic capacity effect
> >apperance,nonlinear wounding and eddy currents loss
> >area presence etc.
> The secondary is in excellent condition.  I probed around for a =
> turn, but a simulation test with an extra shorted wire showed the =
> effects such a thing would make.  Since the inductance and other basic
> parameters are the same as years ago and the secondary is not normally =
> surface arcer or anything like that, I will rule out damage and =
> >3.)Possibly extra high dielectric loss in coil form=20
> > (unlikely here I think)
> Now this I can NOT rule out!  The secondary seemed to have much higher =
> at low frequencies than at high!!  Using my vacuum cap (which actually
> showed a loss higher than my super cap!) I could clearly see that =
> frequencies had higher loss.  Here is a little chart I made of the
> effective secondary resistance vs. frequency.  I made it with the =
> cap by varying the capacitance and finding the effective Rac.
> Basically, it says something is getting very lossy very fast as =
> increases.  I have no idea what, but the larger toroid case was =
> less lossy due to the frequency being lower rather than the fields and =
> This secondary is a 1/8 inch thick cardboard impregnated with paraffin =
> "sonotube" used for circular concrete forms.  This wire may have had =
> oxide layer at the surface before it was coated.  The vacuum cap is
> probably more lossy at low capacitance than high  Maybe the =
> coating is doing something...  The list goes on...  but I seem to be
> getting super high loss as frequency increases.
> >4.)EM Coupling of secondary with enviroment and losses
> >outside a coil structure.
> I have done such tests a number of times in a number of places and =
> similar results.  I don't have an oxygen free silver plated room =
> with a gold anti-oxidation layer or anything, but the room is not all =
> unusual...  I would guess the previous option three...
> >
> >I don't belive that Terry made serious mistakes
> >relating 2 and 3.Neither that the reason for very high
> >Garry Johnson's secondary coil Q in order of 500 =20
> >is some kind of superior secondary construction.
> >But I do belive it is due to point 4.
> >That would be the reason:Enviroment and resonator
> >position in it.
> >I'm quite convinced Terry's secondary coil Q results
> >would be much better in different enviroment
> >conditions.
> I have played with some modelling and I think the "room" is far enough =
> that it should not be a factor.  It is raining now so outside is not =
> option.  There are a number of things in the Rac loop but the coil =
> really does seem lossy to me...
> The science goes on...
> Cheers,
> Terry
> >  =20
> >Regards,
> >Boris
> >
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