TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 19:23:38 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Surprising secondary voltage profiles

Hi Paul,

At 07:04 AM 10/16/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Yes, the measured at predicted curves are stunningly different,
>something we really must resolve.
>Terry wrote:
>> I used a tiny antenna placed very near the coil and measured
>> the RMS voltage...
>How was the RMS extracted from the RF probe signal?

Computerized digital scope...  I pushed the little button :-))

>> I retuned the coil for
>> maximum signal to sort of compensate for detuning by the antenna.
>The closeness of the probe, and the retuning, might upset the
>measurements, if the probe presents a capacitance
>approaching that of the topload + the self cap of the part of the coil
>above the probe, you may have been making the probe position the
>effective electrical 'end' of the coil, ie the part of the coil
>above the probe is starved of current and there would be little or
>no V rise above the probe.

A very good point.  I was desperate for the data at the time and it's the
best I could come up with.

> V  |
>    |            . . . . .
>    |         .
>    |      .
>    |    .
>    |  .
>    |.
>    ------------------------- X
>                 ^ probe
>Did you have to retune more than a few percent?

Argh!  I have the raw data but it does not include the frequencies...  I
don't remember tuning much but a few percent is pushing it.

>You could check for this with a simultaneous V probe on the toroid.
>The toroid volts should remain constant-ish as the moving probe works
>its way up the coil.

I now have one of those 40kV Tektronix freon filled probes.  High voltage
but low contact capacitance.  Although, the probe itself is a big one and
probably like setting the secondary next to a cow!

>Referring to Malcolm's Ruler, I'm not at all convinced that
>the mechanical analogy can be applied. The differential equations
>which apply to the beam displacement are very different to those
>which apply to the electrical potential. It's a long time
>since I did mechanics theory, but I managed to look up some
>formulae describing the resonating beam.

I have probed around coils a bit and the concave curve seems closer to me
than the convex.  But that is just a "feeling".  The Malcolm's ruler thing
seemed like a convenient fit. 

>Apparently, the displacement V(x,t) of position x, time t, is
>governed by
>  EI d^4 V(x,t) / dx^4 = - lambda d^2 V(x,t)/dt^2
>where the d are partial differentials. E is the uniform
>elastic modulus, I is the uniform inertia, and lamda is
>the uniform mass density per unit length.
>The x and t dependency of displacement V(x,t) can be separated,
>to get, for the x dependency, ie the displacement profile,
>  d^4 V(x)/dx^4 = k^4 V(x)
>where k is a constant for a particular mode of vibration.
>The solution to this 4th order equation, with the boundary conditions
>as for Malcolm's Ruler, is an evil looking thing,
>V(x) = C * ( cos(kx) - cosh(kx) +
>       (sin(kx) - sinh(kx)((-cos(kL) - cos(kL)))/(sin(kL)-sinh(kL)))
>and the plotted solution looks exactly like the curve of the ruler.
>An approximation to V(x) is that which occurs when the beam is
>bent by application of a force at the top:
>  V(x) = 0.5 Vmax ( 3(x/L)^2 - (x/L)^3) for 0 <= x <= length L
>None of this is very reminiscent of the much simpler differential
>equations governing a transmission line in the absence of
>longitudinal coupling. The sine profiles of the uniform transmission
>line are distored in the x direction - stretched and squeezed when
>the line made is non-uniform, but there is no point of inflection
>allowed in the absence of longitudinal coupling. (I think I can
>prove that.)


>The only hope of rescuing Malcolm's Ruler is, as you say, the
>possibility that the longitudinal coupling, ie internal C and
>mutual inductance, comes to the rescue and enables the V profile
>to go concave.
>Let's look at what it would take to do this.  In my last email
>I said that
>   dV(x) = w L I(x) dx
>and so for V to be concave, I(x) needs to be increasing.
>The mutual inductance modifies this so that the I(x) is replaced
>by a weighted average of the I in the region around x - the
>weighting being the mutual inductance profile.  If that region,
>ie the 'span' of the mutual coupling were to extend from the
>top half to the bottom half of the coil, the large currents lower
>down might induce a significant extra dV/dx in regions higher up.
>The problem is however, if you now slide that coupling region a
>little way up the coil in order to examine the dV/dx at a point
>higher up, all the contributing currents going into the weighting
>region are reduced a little from what they were lower down.
>Thus, even if a substantial portion of dV(x) is due to mutual
>inductance from higher current regions lower down, the dV(x)
>will still reduce with height, ie the V slope will be convex.
>Thus, on the face of it, a uniform mutual inductance profile
>cannot make V concave. On the contrary, mutual inductance
>I think will act to flatten the V profile towards linear, by
>making dV/dx depend on a local weighted average of the currents
>around x, rather than just the spot current at x - a kind of
>smoothing process.
>So that leaves the hope that the displacement currents of the
>internal capacitance can come to the rescue. The problem here is
>that the direction of the displacements currents is the wrong way
>around to do this, it acts to remove current just when you
>want it to insert current. Consider any two points A and B on
>the coil, A higher than B, and therefore at a higher voltage.
>Consider a quarter cycle during which the voltage is rising
>from zero towards a peak. Current is leaving both A and B to
>charge up the external capacitance. But since A is at a
>higher voltage than B, current will also leave A towards B as
>the internal capacitance between A and B is charged up, thus
>taking more current from the high point A than would be the
>case without internal capacitance.
>The two points could have been chosen anywhere, so the general
>flow of internal capacitance displacement current is from high
>to low as the voltage is rising.
>Thus internal capacitance acts to divert current away from the
>coil higher up, and insert it lower down, thus reducing series
>current with height, and tending to make the V profile more
>I believe this 'descending' internal C displacement current is
>the cause of the current peak which occurs just above the bottom
>of the coil, which *is* associated with a small concavity in the V
>profile near the bottom, ie the effect you wanted is there, but
>at the wrong end of the coil.
>My understanding of this is summarised in pn1310 page 4, eq 5.5
>which gives differential equations applying to the V and I profiles
>of a tesla coil.
>The results from tsim are based on a model which takes into account
>the mutual inductance and internal C. According to this model, they
>have an effect on dispersion, but so far all the coils looked at
>the V profiles have been an almost linear rise over say the lower
>60% of the coil, with a gentle levelling off above that. The current
>is always a very distorted cosine, with no tendency to rise in the top
>half of the coil - it falls quite rapidly in this region.
>The possibility remains that I've dropped a minus sign in the program
>(or in my head!) which might reverse the effects described above, so
>I'll try to prove this one way or another without reference to tsim.
>> One thing that does trouble me is that E-Tesla5 uses the curves I
>> measured and gives very good accuracy for loaded and unloaded coils.
>> I tried your graphs back then as secondary voltage profiles and the
>> program showed significant errors. Not just simple scaling but it
>> appeared the voltage profiles were not working... 
>Concerning E-Tesla5, I have a gut feeling that you should be
>weighting with V^2 rather than V but I'm unable to explain myself
>at the moment, but its something to do with weighting to get
>an equivalent stored energy, rather than a 'mean' capacitance.
>I'll ponder this further.

The V^2 idea is interesting because it would suggest I made two mistakes.
The first one, and another that corrected the first...  That is possible
but the profile really should be a plain "V" boundary condition.

Thanks for the wonderful insights.  I am still thinking of a solid way to
measure the profile...  Don't get hung up on the convex/concave thing.  If
you think it is convex, just "go for it" and continue onward!



>Paul Nicholson,
>Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.