From: Paul
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:59:56 +0100
Subject: [TSSP] Nonlinear coil results from Oct 97
Mark and Terry have drawn attention to measurements made Oct 97 on a set of three coils. An attempt to model and compare the non-linear wound coils is probably optimistic at this stage, since we are struggling as it is to validate the model against conventional windings. With reference to the matter of concave versus convex V profiles, it is interesting to compare the field chart of Coil #1 in the above, with the concave profile of the bare coil in The field chart of coil #1 shows the expected steep V gradient at the lower end of the coil, with the gradient levelling off above the midway point. The voltage rise in VoltDistBare.jpg however shows a fairly gentle rise in the lower half, reaching only about 30% of its final value by the half way point. The steepest rise in VoltDistBare.jpg occurs above this point, corresponding to the gently rising part of the coil #1 field chart. Regards, -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,