TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 11:25:30 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Re: Some resonator theory notes

I've revised pn1310.ps once again to fix a few more errors.
Current version is now 0.2e.

Is anyone relying on the gif file copies?

Mark wrote:
> You may want to model this to have a look at Cdis.

It's instructive to examine these results in the framework
of the theory notes pn1310, as the resulting conclusions
differ from Mark's.

One thing to note first is that the Cdis referred to is really
an equivalent parallel capacitance, since it is obtained from
Fres and Ldc. The relation between this equivalent capacitance
and the physical capacitance distribution depends on the V/I
amplitude profiles prevailing at the time of the Fres measurement.

Reordering the components of the staged inductor leaves Ldc
unchanged, and since the shape of all three coils is the same,
the capacitance distribution of the staged inductor also
stays the same between the two experiments.

What changes between experiments 1 and 2 is the equivalent
series inductance.

Assuming a cosine current profile and using the approximation
for stored energy in pn1310 equ 8.1, we can estimate the
change in the equivalent series inductance that occurs between
experiments 1 and 2. Split the integral into three parts, each
of pi/6 radians length. The three integrals of cos^2 are

 integral( 0 to pi/6 of cos^2) = 0.479     (lower 3rd)
 integral( pi/6 to pi/3 of cos^2) = 0.262  (middle 3rd)
 integral( pi/3 to pi/2 of cos^2) = 0.044  (top 3rd)

We can now form the sum for total effective series inductance
(ie Les as defined in equ 6.2) for each experiment L1 and L2,
from the component DC inductances La, Lb, Lc, each weighted
with the appropriate integral,

 L1 = ( La * 0.044 + Lb * 0.262 + Lc * 0.479) * 6/pi
 L2 = ( La * 0.479 + Lb * 0.262 + Lc * 0.044) * 6/pi

and we get the effective inductances

 L1 = 7.26 mH
 L2 = 2.94 mH

With the equivalent parallel cap remaining the same (unknown)
value, the frequency goes up in the ratio

 sqrt(L1/L2) = 1.57

The actual frequency ratio was measured as 578/408 = 1.42,
a prediction error of 11%, which is reasonable considering
we ignored a few things. Thus the frequency change comes about
due to the redistribution of non-uniform inductance and not a
change in self capacitance.

The capacitance Cdis is of little use in itself as an equivalent
capacitance, since not all of the Ldc inductance is available for
it to resonate with. It does not correctly represent the stored
energy for a given topvolts, so cannot be used reliably for
topload frequency change predictions. Nor does it represent a
meaningful distributed capacitance either. Its use in this
instance is an attempt to carry the lumped approximation a little
too far.

> It appears that one can reduce Cdis substantially using a
> tapered winding approach.

Only in appearance. The coiler wants to minimise the stored energy
for a given voltage, as given by equ 6.1, and that remains
unchanged in this experiment. If there is a small change in the
internal capacitance due to interturn distances changing, it is
substantialy masked by the effective series inductance change.

Generally the energy stored in the interturn cap is very
small, say of order 1% so it's completely ignored in the theory
notes pn1310. The tsim simulator has an option to include it
but it makes only around 1% difference in Fres predictions.

So, out of interest, what is the equivalent parallel
capacitance of say, coil B, if it isn't 5.68pF. Well it would
have to be the value calculated by equ 6.1, and if we assume
the 'usual' linear V profile, then the equivalent cap becomes
the Medhurst cap. If at the same time we assume a cosine
current profile, then the approximation 8.4 can be used, and
we get

 1/Cmed = (2 PI F sqrt(8)/PI)^2 * Ldc

so Cmed for coil B is 7pF. Note that this is quite a bit
higher than the Cmed extracted from Medhurst tables, the
extra in this case is presumably due to external capacitance
presented to the coil in the measurement setup.

What use is this equivalent (energy) capacitance? Well since its
defined by refering all the capacitance to the hot end, you
can use it approximately to estimate the frequency shift when
a small top load capacitance is added, simply by paralleling
the equivalent with the lumped topload cap. In doing so however
a uniform component is added to the current profile and
eventualy the resonant frequency is better described by
equ 7.7 instead of 8.4. The equivalent parallel capacitance
also becomes useful when calculating output voltages, either
by transimpedance, or by ratio of primary:secondary capacitance.
The quantity Cdis is not suitable for either of these.

Referring now to the the Oct 97 non-uniform coil measurements,
Terry wrote :
> Mark took some very nice measurements and made addition comments
> on these coils at:

> http://users.better.org/tfritz/site/papers/nonlinearcoils/markphd.txt

If we just look at one set of measurements on a non-uniform coil
from markphd.txt:
> Coil #2  upright: Fres=1844 kHz Cdis=3.71 pF   CHowe=4.65 pF
> Coil #2 inverted: Fres=1420 kHz Cdis=6.27 pF   CHowe=7.73 pF

Again, the change in frequency here should be interpreted in terms
of a change in value of the integral in 8.1, not a change
in capacitance.

Mark wrote (3 years ago):
> I conclude that the effect is real and appears to be primarily
> capacitive in nature.
If pn1310 is accepted then probably not. One can see the potential
for confusion here. If in doubt, look to the integrals 6.1 and 6.2
and decide which contributions are altered by the change in
configuration. In this case inverting the non-uniform coil
changes M(). As a result V() and I() will also change to
form a new solution of equ 5.5, so clearly any calculations like
those above which assume the V and I profiles stay the same are only
going to be rough approximations.

BTW, one last thing, the reason I have confidence in 6.1, 6.2
and 5.5 as descriptions of a tesla coil, and thus my interpretation
of Marks results is that:
a) They are physically justifiable in a straightforward way.
b) When these are applied with sufficient precision so that all the
   approximations above are removed, the predictions of Fres come out
   to within a percent or two without needing any fiddle factors.

I'm hoping that pn1310 can be made to provide a firm enough basis
for consistent interpretation of future measurements and,
as we've just seen, a reinterpretation of existing results.

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.