TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:05:18 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Surprising secondary voltage profiles

Hi Paul,

I ran a voltage profile E-Tesla5 plot of the little 3x10 coil that Mark
refers to:


I then superimposed that onto the profile I got in the paper:

The profiles look remarkably different.  The hand plotted profile extends
much further down the coil.  This "may" indicate that the profile is not
convex.  However, it may also point to a flaw with the hand plotting method
I used in the paper.  I used a grounded rod and approached to coil until
the tuning went down by a given amount.  In retrospect, the coil was
probably far less sensitive near the base than near the top for this
method.  Thus giving the elongated profile.

If the E-Tesla5 secondary voltage contour was far off, it should give a
significant calculation error.  The program gives an Fo frequency of 1566.4
kHz.  I measured the coil at Fo = 1597.6 kHz and Mark got 1.615MHz.  Errors
of -2.0% and -3.1%.  The program assumes a center top terminal which tends
to give a slightly low calculated Fo (all my coils are terminated to center
posts...) but this small coil did not have this terminal.  The BASIC and C
versions with source code of E-tesla5 are at:


One thing I worry about is how the capacitance is distributed on the coil.
Near the base, the capacitance is the ground plane is high since it is so
close.  Near the top of the coil, the capacitance is also high since the
top of the coil needs to charge the large top area above the coil.  The top
turn of the coil has substantial current in it since it is charging so much
area.  Duane Bylund and I have both noted that LEDs placed on the last turn
will illuminate even though one would think the current would be zero.  The
top and bottom capacitance tend to be far higher than in the center of the
coil due to these effects.  This gives sort of a bathtub curve of
capacitance distribution along the secondary:

Robert Jones (wherever he is?) was struggling with how to determine this
capacitance distribution in his secondary model last I heard.  I think the
high capacitance near the base of the coil suppresses voltage buildup and
the high currents spraying into space near the top of the coil tend to make
that nasty concave curve:


It is interesting that this curve implies the voltage is greatest just
before the end of the coil!!  I still don't belive that but the
measurements there are and E-tesla5 seem to live with this just fine...  By
setting the capacitance distribution in various ways, you can probably get
just about any curve you want.  Unfortunately the "right" curve is illusive.

Perhaps some of my babbling here will be of use.  This is how I think about
the secondary voltage profiles and it all seems to work for me.  I think it
can be equated to the spring ruler analogy but I have never pinned that
down.  Maybe all this will spark some ideas...

I am still working on ways to measure the profile.  So far most things tend
to see field stress rather that absolute voltage.



Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.