From: boris petkovic
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 23:56:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [TSSP] Q goes a long way
Hi All, Back to resonator Q issues. The final conclusion of all the conducted msms about measured and predicted secondary Q and sometimes the significant differences between these two ,was that it might be due to unusually high dielectric loss in a coil form. To additionally support such standpoint maybe this idea could be of help: 1)To measure Q of heavy wire solenoids having no coil form material within its cavity and isolation around its cooper wire (except air of course). 2)To compare measured and predicted values for Q For instance, I remember Terry had such inductor when he was investigating fast transients in moments when spark gap started to conduct. (I can't tell exactly but I think it had Fo something about 3 Mhz) The inductor in question is nothin else than a sort of space wound coil. So, the msm. of its Q and Q of other bigger similar structure would be welcome. As larger and more turns solenoid-the better ,becouse of difficulties appearing at higher frequencies. Just a thought, Regards, Boris __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE.
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