From: "RMC"
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 23:42:43 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] NSVPI - Early Results
Terry, Paul, all What do we expect to see as the drive power to the resonator is increased? The approximately sigmoid graph might steepen at the top as breakout occurs and the forward current increases, dropping more volts across turns perhaps. There is a fair way to go before the corona inception voltage is reached, but that is the point at which the system becomes very non-linear. How much corona current do you think will be drawn out of the coil into the sampling device? If the difference V across your sampling probe doesn't exceeed the tiny capacitance, then maybe samples at CIV or above could be taken. If the local disturbance due to the probe is kept small (low Er dielectrics, minimal metal and no sharp edges etc.) then it may be a practical proposition to probe at near real-life powers. I realise that this is jumping the gun but I'm just thinking out loud (dangerous, I know!) RMC
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,