TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 22:53:08 +0100
Subject: [TSSP] Linux, clustering and distributed computing

Richard, Terry

I'm glad to hear you're both considering installing linux,
I recall Bob Golding mentioned a while ago that he was
thinking of doing the same. It does represent a bold move.

RMC wrote:
> this Beowulf clustering capability: does it lend itself to
> packaging work for other machines to do?

The idea behind the clustering is that a (local) network
of machines appear to the program as a single machine with
lots of processors. Generally a high network bandwidth between
the 'nodes' is required so that the individual machines can
virtualise themselves effectively, so it's not a useful technique
for distributed wide-area computations.

Using MPI for tsim and tlap doesn't give any computational
advantage but it does make it easier to spread the calculations
across a lot of machines, so for me its just an administrative
thing. I already have the cluster setup for doing stuff in
number theory and astronomy, so I use it simply because its
already there. Frankly I would forget clustering until you're
comfortable with the OS itself - the learning curve will be
plenty steep enough.

> i have a pair of dual -CPU machines that I could process on for
> you if it becomes necessary to use finer quantisation in your
> calculations.

I don't know about finer quantisation - the precision at the moment
seems enough for our requirements. What I can forsee is a need to
examine a lot of (not necessarily real) tesla systems, as a step
towards tackling the problem of finding an 'optimum' configuration
of primary and secondary for a given application. Given an
available supply power at a given voltage, what is the best
combination of primary and secondary turns, gauge, length, radius,
height, toroid, etc? That's quite a big 'configuration space' to
explore, but given enough cpu effort, the results could be
tabulated and used as a database from which semi-empirical
formulae could be extracted. It may take a day or so to model
a system, but thats a lot quicker than building and measuring it!

> I'm running Win2k but i don't mind going over to a Posix OS on
> a spare drive or two.
> A dual PII-450 and a dual PII-300 is what I've got.

More than adequate. You could perhaps commit one of the machines
to Linux and see how you get on with it. Treat yourself to a big
new hard disk and RH7. Fit the new drive as the master IDE drive
and install RH7. Move the existing drive to the slave IDE slot and
tell linux its a windows filesystem and it will mount it accordingly
so that you can get at all your existing files. Tell linux to be a
fileserver and you can then hook your remaining PCs to it with a bit
of ethernet. And if you don't like the results, just move your slave
drive back to the master position and reboot.

Terry wrote:
> I am getting a 733MHz PIII computer for web server use on Friday.
> and I have this Redhat Linux 6.0 software box...

> If I make the new machine dual boot (Win2K / Linux), will I be on
> may way to being able to run your program??

RH6 contains everything you need to edit, compile, and run this
software, and virtually all other unix software too. It contains
compilers for all the mainstream languages (C, fortran, etc),
document processing and typesetting (Tex, etc), as well as all the
usual file & web serving, email routing, etc.

> Forgive if this question is stupid, but I know very little about
> UNIX...  I know it has some version of Xwindows which I think
> your program needs.

Neither tlap nor tsim need X, but if X is available, tlap puts up
a window to show the E-field as it evolves. The programs are
driven entirely from the command line so that they can be scripted
into a search pattern (when looking for resonances) and the output
file format is geared towards postprocessing with standard unix

> Let me know if I am generally on the right track and if I need some
> (hopefully free) C compiler.

The gnu C compiler gcc which comes with linux is pretty much the
industry standard that other compilers try to copy. Most unix
systems used for software development ditch the native compiler and
use gcc instead - it'll cross compile for any machine. It'll be the
last C compiler you'll ever need to not buy.

The only problem with the dual boot idea is that you probably won't
want to take your win2k web server down every time you want to play
real computing.  Unless you have very high net traffic I'd recommend
using the oldest, slowest machine you have as a webserving,
firewall PC running RH.  Setup your nice new machine as a workstation
and main filesystem. Export your web files from the new machine by NFS,
mounting it readonly onto the firewall machine.

I would recommend getting RH7 instead though, RH6 has been around
a while now, and the RH7 package contains a lot of upgrades and
some extra new stuff, eg it contains all the main Beowulf clustering
systems. Chances are if you're buying a new computer you can get it
pre-installed, but its more informative setting it up yourself.

While we're talking about computing, and in view of the interest
on this list in examining the secondary when driven through a primary,
it could now be an appropriate time to consider adding in the necessary
code to the tsim program to enable it to model the primary and its

I've held off doing this until the secondary model has settled
down and had the benefit of some experimental verification. I'm
fairly satisfied with this now and the program seems to be able
to represent the secondary with reasonable accuracy, and least for
coils not too far off the ground.

All the necessary pieces of code to handle coupling from arbitrary
concentric primary structures are in front of me. Simply by introducing
another mutual inductance matrix the coupling can be accounted for
on a turn by turn basis, just as the secondary mutual inductance is
dealt with now. At the same time the reaction of the secondary on
the primary would also be taken care of. The result would be an input
impedance spectrum for the primary, and the secondary V/I profiles
would be those of the inductively driven coil.

Once this is done, and if we can come to some sort of a satisfactory
position on Q factors, and given an estimate of bulk impedance of
corona/arc loading, then we could put your computer systems to good
use in a distributed effort to tabulate tesla coil performances in
the way mentioned above.

With such a goal in mind I think any effort spent now in getting
linux installed and getting to know how to use it is going to be
well spent.

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.