TSSP: List Archives

From: "RMC"
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 23:40:15 +0100
Subject: [TSSP] Spoiled Q

If the Q is being spoiled by the small % volume of dielectric, then maybe it
is the absolute electric field intensity that is responsible for promoting
polarisation losses in the coilforms. This would be significant for any
polar molecules present, namely water absorbed into these sonotube forms.

The deteriorated Q will effectively look like significant shunt conductance.
the problem with that is that the transmission line equations (root L/C for
starters) are no longer valid, because it is assumed that G=R=0 ( should be
root (L+R/G+C). The Tx line is usually studied for low loss cases where
conductance between conductors, and resistance within conductors, is small.
In this case, the ability to solve for a specified coupling per unit length
dx must be modified. The attenuation constant alpha will not tend to zero,
and the result is that the resonator no longer looks much good: low Q!

>That is an encouraging find. I think it lends some credence to
>the kinds of Q's I was measuring on both the PVC and HDPE
>coils. It means that very good coils can easily be built.
>      I enjoyed reading your pn1310 (?) paper. The arguments
>look prima facie reasonable to me and the fact that they fit a
>measured profile is most encouraging.
 >     I am enjoying participating in a group which is putting
>some real science into the "art" of coiling. It is nice to
>think that at the end of the various threads of investigation
>a coil will be designable to a specification. It is time for
>suck-it-and-see approaches to end in my opinion.


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.