From: Paul
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 18:33:03 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] NSVPI - Latter Results
Malcolm Watts wrote: > My research on primaries suggests that the performance > differences between a bad secondary and a good one can be quite > significant (remember that I said that when we quantitatively find > out). Firing seems to bear this out also. There is no doubt a bad > primary can be a real drag on performance (also shown in practice) > but if it's a good one, the secondary should also be good. > > There is a way of trading one off against the other. If you > examine the beat envelope of the secondary e-field (no breakout so no > losses from that source) you will find that a good secondary will > show the linear ringdown of the primary dominating the envelope. If > you find that your envelope has a log ringdown, it means secondary > losses are dominating. It is obvious from this simple test where > improvements should be made to a given system. That's a neat point. I take it the linear ringdown is due to the resistance of the gap increasing as current decreases? What's the recipe for a high Q primary - a high voltage, small C, large L, or the opposite with a hot, high current arc? Cheers, -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,