TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:07:13 +1300
Subject: Re: [TSSP] NSVPI - Latter Results

On 5 Nov 00, at 19:11, Terrell W. Fritz wrote:

> Hi,
> The first picture makes me wonder if the top load is too small.  The
> air streamer seems to have placed quite a load on the coil.  
> Since his firing voltage is only about 12kV, the air rushing over the
> gap may just be enough to blow the bang out occasionally.  It could
> quite literally depend on "which way the wind is blowing".  When he
> gets the coil to charge to 20kV, this problem should dissappear.

Considering that the wind doesn't change much if at all and that the 
only change he mentions is temperature (runtime dependent) I have 
suggested to him that he look at the possibility that e-emission from 
the hot tungsten is responsible and that he might usefully try 
changing his stationary electrode material to see what effect that 
has. I don't think anybody has really exhaustively researched these 
things and I suspect that even where they have been noted, there has 
been a tendency to put them in the too-hard basket. I would like to 
think that answering these things definitively for all time is 
exactly why we are here. Certainly, I would expect him to investigate 
this fully since he is doing a PhD on the subject of TCs. I am of 
course saying this off the record.


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.