TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 11:31:18 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Final solution...great chance for it

Hi TSSP folks,

I had very long discussion with concerned master mind
of electromagnetic theory (we will meet again).
It was successful,fruitful and future promissing.

I got cross-section prewiev of his breakthrough
directly from the author himself.
He was so kind to give me 2 hour lecture on problems
he met during his efforts to solve main lines and find
successful way to approach the problem.
In his orginal work on the field theory of helicoidal
winding he employed even some theorems of Riemman and
Fefferman representations.
He wanted to publish his work in several  jurnals but
he was often refused with excuses that mathematical
core of work was to heavy to be rewised and
academicaly published or such.
Finally,"The Eletrotehnika" accepted it  under the
condition he modify his paper to the known shape
suitable for computer check out.

It is hard to say what exactly it is, but I will try
to described it like compressed network of loop by
loop partial diff. equations ,a network represented by
large system of planne telegraphic equations,solved by
rarified methods of matrix manipulations.
I have that paper (and even that,the  complicated    
one ,written in terms of Maxwel which is mind
exhausting to follow). 
Some surprising results I'm already pondering over.
I emphasized to dr.Bodlovic that Cexternal 
distribution isn't constant in the case of TC winding.
He says he doesn't think it  makes significant problem
if the function of Cexternal distribution is known. 
A question for Paul:
How much time is needed to current TSSP simulator
solve transients of 100 turn winding with constant
Cexternal distribution on your multiprocessor machine?
Qustion to All:Who has heard of  dynamic EM field
solver softwares based on THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD?


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