From: (Metlicka Marc)
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 17:44:03 -0500
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Measurement Techniques
thank you john for the kind words and the good input. also i wish to thank all that may help with input in the future. as per your guidelines for areas and setups, i would like to say that i have an upstairs bedroom that measures 18' by 16' with a seven foot ceiling. although a bit cluttered at this time i could clear it completely and dedicate it for this purpose. the points of downfall may be. 1. it has rock lathe and chicken wire plaster coated walls, will this be a problem? 2. as a ground plane, it has a linoleum flooring but i have several 4' by 8' sheets of sheet steel that i can cover it with. if i dedicate a ground connection through the wall and to a few ground rods, will this be a good ground plane? the good news is that it only caries two duplex outlets in it, both of these can be disconnected for a no grid frequency interference (i'm hoping the chicken wire in the wall could act as a faraday cage to block outside grid influence?). it also has a doorway into a sub closet that could be used as a control room for the test equipment. all setups can be left in place for as long as needed. if this room sounds good to all, i will begin cleaning it out and getting ready, this may take a little time but i will work as steady as possible. marc
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,