TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 09:32:52 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Coils at high elevation

Malcolm Watts wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I have my new signal generator up and running now. It has a
> source impedance of 0.5 Ohms resistive at its terminals compliant to
> about +-0.5A at 5Vpp. Indicators on the front panel show if current
> limiting (and hence internal impedance rising) is occurring. I did a
> couple of quick and dirty tests on a couple of smallish resonators
> and found no current limiting at resonance at full generator output
> voltage. Not too surprising if you consider that Zin = Zo^2/Zout and
> Zout is Q limited.

Yes, I don't think any TC base will have Z low enough to active your
current limiting! With such low output Z you will not need to pad
the base connection.

> It would be interesting to know what forcing the
> base to that kind of impedance does to the shunt impedance. Does it
> make Zout reach for the stars? (rhetorical).

The impedance transformation will apply as you say. The output
impedance will be described in a later section (still to come)
of pn2511.

> On 21 Dec 00, at 9:47, Paul wrote:
> > Yes, lets forget Zin for now. Maybe a very thin wire feed direct to
> > base would be less invasive than a coupling winding from the point of
> > view of capacitance?  Tune for minimum Z magnitude or max current on
> > the feed rather than introduce a probe?
> I was thinking about this when I wrote the piece above. Reading some
> of the posts about proposed setups makes me think that the ideal
> indoors situation would be anechoic at RF so reflections were
> eliminated. However, care would have to be taken to minimize and
> quantify proximity effects contributing to capacitance.

Yes, we have one of these chambers at work for RF testing. I think
it would approximate a very lossy cavity at the low frequencies
used by a TC, since in normal use (at VHF, UHF) there are several
wavelengths between test article and walls and the walls act as
a matched termination for the far field. At low frequency I think
the walls would provide a high R return path for displacement currents.
Maybe I'll have to book the chamber for a night - its 30 miles away
but I can drive the chamber and instruments remotely from here.
> Anyway I am poised to do a bit of measuring in the new year and it
> could be done outdoors. Unfortunately the ground is very dry now and
> unlikely to improve in the near future (sad times ahead for the
> garden).

I don't think high ground resistance will detract from what we want
to determine here. Dry ground - I've forgotten what thats like :)

> A coil which should be measured is my h/d=1 litz secondary (6.6"
> dia) which should be about the best quality you can get in a coil
> that size. I will discuss exact measurement conditions when I am
> ready to forge ahead. From memory, total inductance is around 350uH
> (again, to be measured accurately - to be followed up as Tesla would
> say).

You'll only need to be a couple of feet off the ground with such a
small coil. The h/d=1 will emphasise Cint which is desirable for
this test. 

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.