TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:52:44 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] E-Tesla6.11

I wrote:
>>There is also a neat little thing that you can do with E-Tesla6 that
>>will give you Cee for almost no extra effort. Shall I send you
>>the code? Given Ces, Les (from Ldc via Lfac), and Cee, you then have
>>all you need to employ many of the formulae in pn2511.

Terry wrote: 

> Sure!  I would love to see such code and add it in.  Try and keep is
> sort of simple so "I" can understand it ;-))

After you've calculated the field and worked out the shunt capacitance,
follow it with this piece of code,

   // Calculate the stored energy in the entire field by summing
   // the energy in all of the grid cells.

   #define EPSILON 8.854188e-12

   hr = 1/AcF * Mult/39.3700787402; // Radial size of cell - metres
   hz = 1/AcF * Mult/39.3700787402; // Vertical size of cell - metres

   energy = 0.0;

   for(ypcnt = 1; ypcnt <= Ceil; ypcnt ++)
      for(xpcnt = 1; xpcnt <= Wall; xpcnt++)
         float er, ez;        // The two field gradient components
         float E;             // The energy in this cell

         er = (a[xpcnt][ypcnt] - a[xpcnt-1][ypcnt])/hr;
         ez = (a[xpcnt][ypcnt] - a[xpcnt][ypcnt-1])/hz;

         E = 0.5 * EPSILON * (er * er + ez * ez) * 
             2 * pi * xpcnt * xpcnt * 
             hr * hr * hr * hr;

         energy += E;              // Accumulate the total energy

   // Calculate Cee to give the same stored energy when
   // charged to TermV.

   Cee = 2 * energy / (TermV * TermV);

See what sort of values you get for Cee. Around 17.55 pF perhaps?
I've not tried it so if it doesn't work, let me know!

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.