TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 07:36:51 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Final solution...great chance for it

boris petkovic wrote:

> > Do you have The Corums' paper on their production of
> > fire balls.?If you don't have it I'd like to send it .
> > Althought I completely disagree with their resonator
> > theory,the paper of production of fire balls is a must
> > see.
> > ---

Bert Hickman wrote:

> Boris,
> Do you know of anyone else who has been able to replicate fire ball
> production?

I looked at some of their notes on resonator theory some months
ago, and found nothing of value. The material I saw was riddled with
elementary errors which left me doubting the author's credentials.
This, together with their further claims of involvement with attempts 
to replicate 'earth resonance' experiments and such things places them 
firmly in the pseudoscience category as far as I'm concerned. As for 
their fireballs, I see nothing of value in this - I can and normally do
produce my own fireballs whenever I attempt to weld anything, usually
to the detriment of the item being welded! In fact I recall a TV
program with these fireballs demonstrated - a bloke hacking away
at a lump of metal with a welder or submarine battery, IIRC. Hey,
I can do that!

Boris, I think I have the paper you mention somewhere. If I can find
it I'll give it another read. What is your point in referring to it?

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.