TSSP: List Archives

From: Bert Hickman
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 16:13:29 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] pn2511 is baloney


I've been slowly reviewing your excellent paper as time permits. This
paper is destined to be a classic - an excellent (and evolving!) work,
Paul! Some suggestions and questions follow.

The EMF defined in 3.1 should have a dI(y)/dt term instead of I(y).
Minor typo.

In section 4, would the general equations describing the resonator be
capable of handling a horizontal resonator (as in a single horizontal
bipolar coil) via changes to the boundary conditions? (To my knowledge,
this is a resonator configuration that has not been completely solved

In section 5 (resonances) you mention that the equations used to
generate the resonance charts were extended to include the effect of
losses. It would be nice to explicitly state which losses were included
and which ones were not (and why not). Also, showing the modified
equations would also be valuable and would lend more credibility to the

In section 6, the Current and Voltage Amplitudes chart shown on page 12
is an eye-opener - especially the current profile! Although the
longitudinal coupling terms in the equations are can be seen as
significantly different than the common transmission line equations,
this chart really drives the point home versus the previous distributed
TL model of a resonator. A question: I know that Terry has done a number
of voltage profile measurements which are consistent with the predicted
voltage profiles. Have there been any current measurements that
empirically confirm the predicted maximum at around 1/3 of the way above
the grounded base? I apologize if this is old ground, since I'm only a
recent participant on the TSSP list. 

Section 7 was especially interesting to me, as it defines shunt and
"energy equivalent" capacitances and inductances for the resonator, and
shows how they relate to lumped inductance and capacitance measurements
and base-current and topload voltage measurements that coilers can make.
This approach more rigorously defines these very useful "lumped"
parameters via a more rigorous understanding and framework of
distributed behavior within the resonator. And it shows "why" lumped
analysis appears to be a valid approximation of gross resonator
behavior. And, unlike certain helical resonator and coherence theories,
the theory presented in your paper appears to be fully consistent with
Conservation of Energy and reproducible experimental measurements... :^) 

Sections 8 and 9 looks good thus far. It looks as though extending the
model to integrate topload remains as a future task. In section 2 of the
paper, the addition of a topload is discussed, with Ctor and Ctop, but
these are apparently not taken any further in the resonator discussions
that follow. Looks like one of the next nuts to "crack". A minor quibble
- Equation 9.3 should have energy "lost" per cycle instead of "lossed"
per cycle. Also, has a list of references been generated for this paper?

Excellent work, Paul!

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering
Email:    bert.hickman@aquila.net
Web Site: http://www.teslamania.com

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.