TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 18:23:42 +0000
Subject: [TSSP] Virtual Secondary Database

Hi All,

Probably during February I'll be running a large number of coil models
with the aim of generating a database of predicted coil performance.

It may be possible to use the resulting database to generate useful
empirical relationships between coil dimensions and the equivalent

The intention is to run enough models to effectively span the
configuration space of typical secondary coils. The following
dimensions are proposed for this space:

(h = coil length, d = coil diameter, b = coil base height above ground)

|Coil length (h): 0.1m to 3.2m in steps of a factor 10th root of 10,
|                 ie factor 1.259 - 16 points.
|h/d ratio: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 - 6 points.
|Wire gauge (awg): 12, 22, 32 - 3 points.
|Spacing ratio: 0.95, 0.80 - 2 points.
|Base height:  h/30, h/5, h/2 - 3 points.
|Toroid outer diameter: 0 = no toroid, otherwise a factor of d,
|                       d * 1.2, d * 1.5, - 3 points.
|Toroid height: Height of plane of toroid above top of coil, as a
|               factor of h, values: 0, 0.3 - 2 points.

All coils would be modeled in free space above a ground plane of
radius 2 * (h+b).

You'll note that all dimensions are given as factors of h or d, and
that the only absolute length is h.

>From the above, we have a configuration space sampled by 8640 coils,
about 30 days work for the computer to model and characterise them all.

I thought it would be most convenient if the results emerged as a CSV
file, which can import directly into a windows spreadsheet - then
everyone can dig into and explore the data while I concentrate on
generating it.

The following CSV database columns are proposed:

| system: A virtual system name with which to identify the raw data and
|         input file.
|version: tssp model software version which generated this record.
|; Input parameters
| length: coil length, (m).
|     bh: ratio of coil base height to coil length, b/h.
|     hd: h/d ratio.
|  gauge: wire gauge, (awg).
|spacing: spacing ratio.
|     tb: Height of toroid above coil top, in units of h, 0 = no toroid
|     td: Outside diameter of toroid, in units of d.
|; Resonances
|     f1: Frequency of quarter wave resonance,
|     f3: ditto 3/4 wave
|     f5: ditto 5/4 wave
|; Equivalent reactances
|    Ldc: Defined as in pn2511
|    Lee: ditto
|    Les: ditto
|    Cdc: ditto
|    Cee: ditto
|    Ces: ditto
|; Impedances, loss, and gain.
|      Q: Q factor
|    Zin: Base input impedance at f1
|    Zft: Forward transfer impedance at f1
|  vgain: Voltage gain

While the relevance of fields such as Q, Zin, etc is limited to steady
state operation in base driven CW mode, the frequencies and equivalent
reactances will be applicable to primary-driven impulsed coils also.

Comments welcome on the proposed 'coil space' and results columns.
If additional unix computers are available, then the space could be
spanned in more detail by adding extra points.

It'll take me a week or three to prepare the scripts that will run
this exercise, so that gives you all time to throw your ideas and
suggestions into the pot,

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.