TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 13:58:16 -0700
Subject: Re: [TSSP] NSVPI - Terminated Coil Results

Hi Paul,

	That measurement was taken with the primary in place.  Perhaps that is the
problem.  I remember the frequency really was 86.7kHz.  I tried this with
E-Tesla and got 87.5kHz.  I could probably remeasure the dimensions and
such, but that would only give a slight improvement in accuracy.  I think
we are making a basic error in what we both think the coil's dimensions or
placement are.  The other parameters are:

 Terminated Coil
 Ceiling Distance = 84.000000
 Wall Distance = 60.000000
 Primary Height (Inner Turn) = 4.250000
 Primary Inner Diameter = 12.000000
 Primary  Outer Diameter = 26.000000
 Primary Height (Outer Turn) = 4.250000
 Secondary Base Height = 6.000000
 Secondary Diameter = 10.250000
 Secondary Length = 30.000000
 Secondary Inductance (mH) = 75.400002
 Terminal-1 Height (center) = 48.500000
 Terminal-1 Cord Diameter = 8.000000
 Terminal-1 C-C Diameter (toroid only)= 22.000000

Check these against the numbers you are using and I will check some more
things here.  If you are getting 95.7kHz and I am at 86.7kHz. something
must be very wrong in the numbers we are using.

I ran E-Tesla without the primary with the base of the coil 1 inch above
the ground plane and got 87.2kHz and having the coil here and all it seems
like the 95.7kHz number is way too high.


	Happy New Year!

At 08:04 AM 1/1/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Terrell W. Fritz wrote:
>> The coil had an Fo frequency of 86.7kHz
>Can you check this Terry, there's no way I can get your coil
>to resonate at this frequency. Predictions come out at 95.7 kHz
>using 75.1mH, although I suspect we should be using 74.5 or
>thereabouts in view of the ground plane effect. Perhaps the
>86.7 is a typo - a 10% prediction error would be extraordinary.
>I've rewritten the nsvpi comparison page and included the new
> http://www.abelian.demon.co.uk/tssp/pn2510/
>This will be finished if we can just resolve the f1 discrepancy
>in the toroided case, which would allow a better alignment of
>the toroided profile. All the other numbers agree very nicely.
>Paul Nicholson,
>Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.