TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 20:35:03 -0700
Subject: Re: [TSSP] NSVPI - Terminated Coil Results

Hi Paul,

At 10:46 AM 1/2/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Terry, All,
>You might like to try the following modification to the NSVPI
>gradient probe, in attempt to get it to work without requiring
>electrical contact with the coil. The idea is to add in an RF
>choke to provide a DC path for the diode to charge the storage
>     |           pt
>     | ----||--- <-------------[diode]--
>     |    pc         |                  |
>     |               |                  |
>sec  |                -[choke]-        --- storage cap
>coil |                         |       ---
>     |           pt            |        |
>     | ----||--- <----------------------
>     |    pc
>     |
>'pc' are the 'contact capacitances' of the two probe terminals 'pt',
>[choke] is an RF choke wound on a miniature toroidal ferrite
>core - this so that inductive coupling with the secondary is
>minimised. Alternatively, use a high value resistance instead, and
>allow time for the storage cap to charge.

Originally, I tried this as shown at:

It seemed the contact capacitance was so small (perhaps compared to the
diode's junctions capacitance) that it would not charge.  I just didn't
seem to be able to get the diode to charge the cap even with germanium
diodes.  The junction just would not conduct.  Would the chock help this??

>We could do to figure out a way to make an absolute top volts
>measurement. Terry's toroided coil Q of 164 gives a predicted
>voltage gain of 168.5, but the cumulative gradients, with 0.12
>diode drop added, gives around 155 volts, so we have a discrepancy
>here which appears larger than either the measurement or prediction
>Note that for the bare coil case, Q=60, Vgain predicted is 68.5
>and the cumulative voltage was 69.72 - within limits.

I think I just need to fix the ground plane again and drop a scope probe
down onto the top of the coil.  I have a 3pF 1000:1 probe that should do
minimal loading both from capacitance and resistance.  It also has a real
long cable.  It will add some C to the top and change Fo a little but maybe
that won't be a problem.  I assume both toroid and non-toroid cases are
wanted.  Time is short tonight, but I'll try tomorrow.  Let me know if that
is what you had in mind?



>Paul Nicholson,
>Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.