From: Paul
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 01:59:11 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Virtual Secondary Database
Terry, I couldn't get the error in Lfac estimation much below 1.4% while fitting a single curve to both toroided and unloaded coils. I've split the formulae, to give an RMS error of 1% on toroided and 0.5% on unloaded, The curves are: Unloaded coil ------------- y = m * x + c m = 0.30278 c = 0.7044 x = (k1 + g1 * hd) ^ k2 * (k3 + g2 * b) ^ k4 * (k7 + g4 * awg) ^ k8 * (k9 + g5 * h) ^ k10 * (k11 + g6 * sr) ^ k12 k1 = 2.8958 k2 = -1.3666 k3 = 3.0162 k4 = 0.2817 k7 = 8.5533 k8 = 0.0520 k9 = 0.2088 k10 = 0.0186 k11 = 30748.5575 k12 = -0.0090 g1 = 1.0087 g2 = 1431.0148 g4 = 0.6760 g5 = 0.8779 g6 = 53454.2520 Toroided Coil ------------- y = m * x + c m=0.02264 c=0.7058 x = (k1 + g1 * hd) ^ k2 * (k3 + g2 * b) ^ k4 * (k5 + g3 * td) ^ k6 * (k7 + g4 * awg) ^ k8 * (k9 + g5 * h) ^ k10 * (k11 + g6 * sr) ^ k12 * (k13 + g7 * tb) ^ k14 k1 = 1.0868 k2 = -0.7140 k3 = 0.0061 k4 = 0.1906 k5 = 0.0285 k6 = 1.0386 k7 = 44.4533 k8 = 0.7295 k9 = 2.5868 k10 = 0.0061 k11 = 30748.5575 k12 = -0.0250 k13 = 44512.3742 k14 = 0.3807 g1 = 0.8397 g2 = 0.2308 g3 = 0.0254 g4 = -0.0030 g5 = 2.1879 g6 = 53454.252 g7 = 10009.2464 A few extra coefficients this time. In both cases, y is the estimator for Les/Ldc. I expect the coefficients will alter when more data comes in. They might also alter if we restricted to coils with f1 < say 1e6. Cheers -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,