TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 15:02:05 +1300
Subject: Re: [TSSP] MandK Mutual Inductance Program

Hello Mark,
            Thankyou for sending me an advance copy (beta?) of MandK 
a couple of years ago. I used it to confirm something I had suspected 
for along time - that k is figure reflecting pure coil geometry and 
proximity. The most striking prediction the program made (matched by 
measurement within the usual error range) was on the coupling 
constants present in Tesla's Colorado Springs machine (as noted by 
Tesla and others) and an exact scale model of it that I built (has 
since been torn to pieces).


On 2 Jan 01, at 21:37, Mark S. Rzeszotarski, Ph.D. wrote:

> Hello All:
>     I have decided to go public with my mutual inductance calculation
> program and have placed it on a web site for easy access (assuming I
> got everything set up right).  This program computes the mutual
> inductance between two coils using a direct numerical integration
> technique  (Neumann double line integral).  It yields answers similar
> to Paul's ACMI program, although the calculation is a bit slower.  It
> has a number of other features of interest to individuals who wish to
> design tesla coils using computers first instead of strictly by trial
> and error.  I would prefer not to announce it to the general Tesla
> list until after I get more feedback (perhaps V3.2).  However,
> freeware is freeware.
>         I fixed several things Bart Anderson suggested (like reverse
>         order
> number ranges are now permitted) and wrote an eight page document
> describing a bit about how it works and what the numbers mean.  I get
> results similar to ACMI and really close to the experimental data
> recently described by Bart.
>         Those of you out there with pre-release copies of MandK with
>         version
> numbers below V3.1 should definitely update their files and pitch the
> old versions.  You can find the files at the URL:
> http://idrive.cwru.edu/msr7/Web/
>         BTW, The file primary.pdf, available at the same URL, is a FAQ
>         about
> tesla coil primaries I wrote for beginners about a year ago and is not
> specifically related to the MandK program, although it discusses
> mutual inductance a bit.  I stuck it out there too, in the hopes that
> someday we will put together a fairly comprehensize FAQ on tesla
> coils.  
>         I welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.
> Regards,
> Mark S. Rzeszotarski, Ph.D.
> MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.