From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:18:14 -0700
Subject: Re: [TSSP] ready for some measurments
At 07:12 PM 1/22/2001 +0000, you wrote: > >> Does anyone have the list archives stored anywhere > >I keep an archive of tssp traffic, although I haven't raised enough >enthusiasm to make it available as a searchable web archive. It's >always hard piecing things together from a series of list postings and >I tend to think that it's better to make useful info available as web >pages rather than expect a reader to sift through meandering list >discussions. > >Cheers All, >-- >Paul Nicholson, >Manchester, UK. >-- I zipped up the TSSP posts since last Sept at. Cheers, Terry
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,