From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 21:45:30 -0700
Subject: [TSSP] 50 ohm Generator hookup
Hi All, I have been busy acquiring some new toys :-)) I have a 2500Volt 250MHz probe on order which will fill a hole I have had in medium voltage measurement. I also finally got a nice synthesized signal generator (I'll have to go rob a bank tonight to pay for it :-)). It gives rock solid signals and solves all the flakiness of my homemade generators: So I want to hook this to my coil with a 50 ohm coax: And I was wondering what the best hookup is. The signal generator has 50 ohms output Z. I tried terminating the coax with 1 and 50 ohms: Surprisingly, I got Qs of 103 and 105 respectively. Perhaps some of my low Q measurements before were due to the signal generator?? I was just wondering what you thought would be the best way to hook the thing to the coil. I have parts on order for a low Z wide band amp but that won't be together for about a week. The generator is a pure joy to use. The measurements can be done with two more orders of magnitude accuracy. It also does programmable arbitrary waveforms for really fun stuff. I will now retire my other two generators, the frequency counter, and all the odd wires that went with them. I do need to go shopping for a few more BNC connector dodads... I also think the scope is reading high. The generator and the HP meter are consist ant but the scope likes to read high. The scope is software programmable. If I can get hold of the program or figure out the manual method I could recalibrate it... Cheers, Terry
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,