TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 15:58:39 -0700
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top voltage testing

Hi Paul,

I measured the current for the 501.88 ohm resistor at many frequencies with
the following results:

F(kHz)	I(mARMS) 	VRMS(in) (meter) 	Rcalc
1		1.361		0.67798		497.148
2		1.353		0.67343		496.731
4		1.354		0.67495		497.486
10		1.352		0.67435		497.780
20		1.351		0.67568		499.133
40		1.341		0.67721		504.004
100		1.309		0.67710		516.265
105*		1.290		0.68130		527.140
200		1.157		0.67928		586.105
400		0.814		0.68102		835.634
1Meg		0.0848		0.71268		8403.23
*I took this measurement later and the level drifted somewhere.  Need that
HP 33120 :-))

So the higher voltage is good but tiny voltages start to loose it above
20kHz.  Fortunately, the loss is predictable (this is when the extra $$ for
the HP meter pays off :-))  Probably the only multimeter in the world that
can do this stuff).

>          Meas       Model      Error
>     Q:   68.3       68.3       Adjusted to fit Qv
> Vgain:   71.6       74.5       +4.1%,
>   Zft:   42.6K      44.7K      +4.9%

So at 105kHz, 527.14 / 501.88 = 1.05033
Zft = V/R  or corrected = V / (R / 1.05033) = 42.6 x 1.05 = 44.73K

I would submit the measurement error is found and corrected and all is well
with Zft :-))  We are working at the limits of the equipment (wish the Tek
scope was closer to the HP**) but the errors all seem to be converging to
the model's predictions eventually.  If I win that HP signal generator on
Ebay, it will help a lot to determine error since it can act as a very
accurate calibration source for this stuff.  If I get out bid, I will just
buy one...

I will try to get the metering to simply work right in the first place.
This correction table can be applied to my last post...

**The HP is AC coupled true RMS while the scope is AC+DC True RMS.  That
may explain the error a little...  But when I switch the scope to AC
coupling nothing changes...  Perhaps the far higher scope bandwidth is
picking up high frequency noise or it is sampling error in it's rather
course vertical digital sampling...  From the HP comparison it appears to
be high, but it has always seemed to give the right answers...



Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.