TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:53:35 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Reactive part of base input impedance

Terry wrote:

> For the bare small-coil no top-probe I get:
> Q = 170.03
> f1 = 358.81
>         V = 0.47218 (corrected scope)
>         I = 2.6234 mA
> f45low = 357.87
>         V = 0.48419 (corrected scope)
>         I = 1.9908 mA
> f45high = 359.89
>         V = 0.48419 (corrected scope)
>         I = 1.8823 mA

First, we can extract from these a measurement of Lee, since

 Rin = w Lee/Q,

we have, at f1, Rin = 0.47218/2.6234e-3 = 180 ohms, so

 Lee = Q Rin/w = 13.58 mH

and the predicted value is 13.66 mH, +0.6%. No problem there.

Now to check the slope of the reactance. Near f1,

 Zin(w) = Rin + jwLee( 1 - (w'/w)^2)

so at +45 degrees phase,
  Rin = 2 pi f Lee ( 1 - (f'/f)^2)
  Lee = Rin/2/pi/f/(1-(f'/f)^2)
therefore, using f45high,
  Rin = 0.48419/1.8823e-3/sqrt(2) = 181.89 ohms
  Lee = 181.89/2/pi/359890/599e-5 = 13.42 mH

At -45 degrees phase,
  Rin = - 2 pi f Lee ( 1 - (f'/f)^2)
  Lee = Rin/2/pi/f/((f'/f)^2 - 1)
and using f45low,
  Rin = 0.48419/1.9908e-3/sqrt(2) = 171.98 ohms
  Lee = 171.98/2/pi/357870/526e-5 = 14.53 mH

The average of these two is 13.98 mH, +2.3% from the predicted Lee, 
and -15% from the predicted Les of 16.41 mH. So the result is rather 
nearer Lee than Les. That's a good result.

The small coil and new coupling box are doing quite well there Terry, 
you've measured and verified Les and Lee in quick succession to quite
a decent accuracy. I don't suppose anyone in the coiling community has
done these before. Hopefully a few more measurements along these lines
will become available - it will all help to establish the validity of
these equivalent reactances and demonstrate that they are real and
measureable. I'll be preparing a web page summarising your Zft, Les,
and Lee measurements, so let me know if you put up any related pages 
at your end. Althogether, this is a great step forward, as pn2511 is
distinctly lacking in references to these kind of results.

I expect you'll be glad to know that I'm scheming up a way to measure
Cee also.

The 45 degree phase readings are going to be most useful, as I try to
figure out just what's going on with the base impedance, and why the
Qi always seems to be a little higher than Qv. Note the lopsided
variation of Rin, I'll be taking a closer look at this to make sure
the model reproduces the same values.

Incidentally, the 'new formula' predicts an f1 of 356.7 kHz, -0.6%,
for this coil.

BTW, next time you're playing with the probed small coil, have a look
and see if you can see the difference between the frequency of 
max Ibase and the frequency of max Vtop - it is likely to be very
small, with max Ibase lower in frequency than max Vtop.

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.