From: (Metlicka Marc)
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:00:32 -0500
Subject: [TSSP] ground grid
well my desk pc died a slow death with motherboard or bios loss so i'm using the lab pc again. thank god for extended warrenty's. for terry and all, i am using expanded aluminum gutter guard for my grond plane in these testings. my thinking is that all the little grid patterns will add up to give me an overall ground plane without large solid strips to act as single conducors. this may be a foolish thought but it definatly seems to work for me? i lay it out in a double x, four strip grid. maybe before laying out a spiral you could try to find some at home depot, very cheap and easy to lay out. i use poly wire staples to hold the ends down but that's only because of my present clumsy feet. just an idea, marc
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,