TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 11:56:52 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Genetic optimisation

boris petkovic wrote:

> Surely,~26-28KV/cm critical surface field would be all
> right to assume for TC freqs (and standard
> atm.conditions)

Yes, I'll go with that for now.

> But,what counts the most here is one thing:TIME...
> By this I don't mean just time of TC waveform
> exceeding this treshold ,but also time pauses between
> 2 primary condensers bangs-->in other words some
> depedence on BPS (belive it or not!).
> John Freau experiments with smooth toroids are very
> valuable when we speak of this matter.
> He has noticed smaller bang size (innital cap energy)
> needed for visual spark breakout with higher BPS rate
> than with lower BPS rate.

Much smaller? 5%, 20% ?  Looks like the function that
delivers breakout potential must have BPS as a parameter.

> Few months ago,I contacted with M.Denicolai and he
> said he would make controled experiments on his thor
> in order to investigate such phenomenon this summer .

Ah good. I'm hoping Marco will also take some more Q measurements,
too, he has a 'missing loss' similar to mine - around 30% not
accounted for.

> Question improved E-Tesla program should answer to:
> What max. toroid surface field corresponds to 400 KV
> voltage on THOR secondary?

Definately. E-Tesla's field plotting will turn out to be the
key to all this. Terry?

> > Can we assume that this whole sequence takes place
> > in a timescale short
> > compared with an RF cycle - I suppose thats so
> > because if not there
> > would be a bigger frequency dependence?
> ---
> I think we can,althought some scopings on 250 Khz+
> coils I saw in past ,displayed not so small
> differences.
> ---

We could still produce useful conclusions if we restricted
to coils with Fres < say 200 kHz ? To begin with anyway.
If we can demonstrate agreement with large low-Fres coils,
that would give a baseline from which to explore the
higher Fres regime.

Looks like we need to devise experiments to measure the 
breakout potentials from large(ish) coils with smooth toroids
at low BPS and compare these with ET predictions. 

Hopefully, in this regime, some of the more subtle time-dependent
features described by Bert will be less intrusive and we can
get a good account of the dynamics just with a simple threshold.

Lets see if can achieve say +/-10% agreement.

Getting well outside my field, this. Marc and Terry, over
to you!

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.