TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 04:43:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] streamer formation modeling

Hi Terry,

> At first, the streamer needs to break out or start
> ionization in the air.
> This usually occurs at a little defect or odd spot
> on the toroid where the
> field stress reaches around 30kV/cm (now refined to
> 26kV).  Once there is
> ionization, heating effects seem to be really
> important in that the hot air
> forms a very conductive path outward into lower
> field stress regions.
Do you refer to the "heat" present during hf
oscillating time ,or do you refer to so called
remanent heat-the decreasing heat left in arc path
between 2 succesive bangs?
What is more important for gradual prolonging of the
arc in your opinion (retorical question)?

> Since the voltage reduces drastically outward from
> the toroid, current
> wants to flow.  Since the current is AC, the
> streamer tends to also feed
> the space capacitance around the growing streamer
> (more current).  These
> currents only have a say 3% duty cycle so the heated
> air path is important
> in forming a conduit for the next pulse to push the
> streamer further and
> further into the surrounding air.  The voltage is
> not so important at this
> point as is the current and its heat generating
I agree,but bellow certain low voltage limit one
sholudnt go.
In "Spark Discharge" this limit for monopolar pulse is
claimed to be about 250 KV (from my memory.Bert?)
For TCs due to oscillating wave,maybe  lower limits


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