From: Paul
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 10:15:18 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Toroid field stress
Terrell W. Fritz wrote: > Its that darn metric system... :-)) > Thus, the 600 array I did and got an answer of 10.2 kV should have been > 10.2 x 2.54 = 25.9kV. Mysteriously close to the 26kV we all though it > should be :-)) That's brilliant! Can we fish around for a few more breakout voltage measurements and see if they shape up too? If so, and I'll bet they do, then E-Tesla immediately doubles its utility. You can add a final loop which scans the stress grid for the hottest spot and so print out the corresponding breakout voltage. You could print a warning if the hottest spot happens not to be on the toroid! > So It looks like E-Tesla6 may indeed be able to do this stress stuff > for our purposes with yet another minor revision..... Hope you can get plenty of actual measurements across a range of coils and loads, then we can establish some confidence in what looks like a brilliant result. Comes down again to finding an easy and reliable way for folk to measure their breakout voltages. Of course, then you'll have to apply ET to a heap of artificial systems to produce a database of breakout voltages, from which you can extract a magic formula. That would be a wickedly useful formula, epoch-making I should think. It would pretty well close the loop on optimisation for top volts. I have a computer you can borrow. Cheers, -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,