From: Paul
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 10:58:26 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Topics on non-linear effects
Terry, Excellent scope traces - packed with information - its going to take we a while to work through these. The discharge current waveform looks pretty linear at first glance, with the 3rd harmonic around 20dB down in the FT. On close inspection you can see some distortion to the trace, but clearly not a vast amount. There looks to be an asynchronous component, probably the 3/4 wavelength mode getting excited a little. I could do with a narrow band view of the 0-2Mhz region, could you capture a trace of about 800 cycles of the current waveform at around 0.2uS or 0.25uS per time step? Interesting bit of fluff at around -7.6uS in TEK00002. A burst of ringing there, at around 74Mhz - wonder where that came from? Seems to me, the initial impression is that the prospects for a time averaged impedance look good. Cheers, -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,