TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 14:54:30 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Toroid field stress

HI Paul,

I am not the worlds greatest programmer.  However, another program could
setup the input.txt file, run E-Tesla6, and go get the voltage (with the
peak loop added to ET6).  Then it could change the input text file value
again and repeat over and over to scan the range of variables you wish.

I imagine a simple basic program could do that and run ET6 externally with
the "run" command?  I am not sure how to have one program run another
executable externally...  However, I am sure it can be done probably really

Of course, ET6 could probably be brought into another C program as a
subroutine too, but that is really getting over my head 0:-)  Even though I
know the basic logic behind ET6, all the other programmers that have worked
on it are the ones who really turned the "idea" into a working program...
The line numbers and "goto"s you see are leftovers from when I programmed
it :-))  Sarah left the labels in it so I would not get lost...

I could add the max voltage thing to ET6 easily.  Just trap the max value
is the grid is being written to the Soutput.xls file.  If you would know
the details above, You could probably set it up quickly.  The ET6 source
code is simple and plain so it compiles under UNIX easily.  Much of the
program could be removed or optimized for such a specific purpose...
However, the input and output file stuff (fluff) is really a small part of
the runtime on large grid sizes.

Let me know if I this sounds promising and I'll get ET6 fixed for it.
Would probably want to do some testing to find a reasonable grid size too.
Them 600 grids take forever to run!



At 10:15 AM 5/27/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Terrell W. Fritz wrote:
>> Its that darn metric system... :-))
>> Thus, the 600 array I did and got an answer of 10.2 kV should have been
>> 10.2 x 2.54 = 25.9kV.  Mysteriously close to the 26kV we all though it
>> should be :-))
>That's brilliant!  Can we fish around for a few more breakout voltage
>measurements and see if they shape up too?  If so, and I'll bet they
>do, then E-Tesla immediately doubles its utility.  You can add a final
>loop which scans the stress grid for the hottest spot and so print out
>the corresponding breakout voltage.  You could print a warning if the
>hottest spot happens not to be on the toroid!
>> So It looks like E-Tesla6 may indeed be able to do this stress stuff
>> for our purposes with yet another minor revision.....
>Hope you can get plenty of actual measurements across a range of coils
>and loads, then we can establish some confidence in what looks like a 
>brilliant result. Comes down again to finding an easy and reliable way
>for folk to measure their breakout voltages.
>Of course, then you'll have to apply ET to a heap of artificial systems
>to produce a database of breakout voltages, from which you can
>extract a magic formula.  That would be a wickedly useful formula, 
>epoch-making I should think.  It would pretty well close the loop on
>optimisation for top volts. I have a computer you can borrow.
>Paul Nicholson,
>Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.